Literally the headline. Not illegal at all is best of course.
I’d like to have a sort of reverse Warrant Canary of sorts, that will pop if security is breached
Stream a Nintendo game.
A guide on how to rip and emulate your games.
Reverse engineer the CD key algorithm for a defunked game.
It’s ‘defunct’ but your spelling is better.
Our dog rolled in a dead bird and had to be defunked.
I don’t understand how something such as you’re asking would be a reverse warrant canary? Canaries get pulled as a way of broadcasting something without breaking a court order not to talk about it. How would you do a reverse of that by posting something that breaks the rules or violates norms?
Say I make a secure network that you all can use.
A warranty canary would be the famous “FBI has not yet been here” on the page I’m sharing on this network right?
But what if this is a decentralised network where there is no central node that can be compromised? How will I even know if the security of the network has somehow been breached?
My idea is this reverse warranty canard; if one day I get a cease and desist letter, I know the network has been infiltrated in one way or another.
Up til I get that, it’s not like I’m 100% safe (like when the “FBI hasn’t been here yet” is stil there), but if I do get one, I know I’m not.
Maybe the reverse warranty canard exists and I’m using it all wrong, otherwise it made sense for me.
Edit: as pointed out its warrant canard not warranty canard.
Lmao entirely unrelated but I love the slow autocorrect degradation of “warrant canary” into “warranty canard” throughout your comment
Ha ha, I’m not a native speaker so that could 100% just be my fault.