Yeah and then you have reddish browns and greenish briwns, it’s a whole world.
BTW lots of downvoting people in the thread lol
Yeah and then you have reddish browns and greenish briwns, it’s a whole world.
BTW lots of downvoting people in the thread lol
No, orange is yellow plus red.
Also, “bright” does not change the hue, a bright blue is still blue, with the possible etymology exception of red because “bright” (white) red becomes what we call pink (which is, you got it, actually a very light red).
Not the most extra ordinary of things but I do like that there is no (USA ?) babysitting when it comes to say fuck etc.
It’s not blue or green, It’sTeal or Turquoise
Go learn some other colors than blue, green and yellow 😘
But it can only drive 100 meters.
You must say “Canapurda” out loud when doing so though.
Now what’s missing is where will all the fans and modders hang around :-)
I sure hope we’ll get some nice rehashing out of this!
About the graphics, someone will probably make a ripper of the bought copy you have, a bit like Diablo 1.
Yeah but
he’s not specialised in quantum computing
he’s a venture capitalist, it’s his job to sell his stuff.
even if it does work, we just have to use the new quantum resistant assymetric algorithms (selected last summer, so they do already exist) to make this e-waste.
they lied in 2018 about topological qbits (retracted in 2021), this might just be a funding scheme…
they have, supposedly, made one qbit. And the big thing is they have a roadmap of 25 years to make the big breakthrough… Gimme money for 25 years, I’ll be retired before that happens…
Let’s see what happens, but I’m not laying awake thinking about topological qbits exactly.
This is the way. Most loud people don’t talk politics, they just convey the latest talking points because they feel like being rewarded.
Just stay out of the stupid-shouting match.
I’m not advocating for the death penalty, stop lying.
Are you some new type of troll or what? Or can’t you fathom people having a thought experiment without actually thinking it is the right thing to do?
Some defederate from .ml because it’s full of tankies.
Now I said let’s murder them?
Please don’t use cheap discussing techniques, it makes any point you’re trying to do look moot.
Interestingly you still only talk about the perpetrators and not the victims.
I’ll believe it when I see it, because there are lots of hurdles to overcome. It seems promising though so I’m cautiously optimistic.
It already is in all modern societies except like the USA.
I took this as a thought experiment. You seems to root awfully much for these bad people, I’d say let’s help them when we have helped all their victims.
Just specifying the proofs have to be solid bugs you? How weird.
A lifetime imprisonment can be more inhumane than a death sentence.
Change my mind.jpg
(If there is enough solid proof ofc. You can’t roll back a death penalty)
Edit: in italics
I love everything you say (I don’t know what CBC is though) but the communist revolution is not that, it’s a bloodbath where workers take the power. Does it have to be a bloodbath? It seems so in a communist uprising because the power in place will not budge otherwise.
So I’m much more on your line, but without calling it the name communism.
Yeah that was my gut feeling too. Turns out they haven’t made any breakthroughs and it’s still in a far future if at all.
Same feeling here, and quantum resistant algos for asymmetric encryption ate already designed and are coming.
Without that, quantum computers wouldn’t only break military stuff but also wreck havoc on the internet by breaking ssh (and bitcoin, lol).
This happens in a comics, I’ll try to remember it’s name but there is a sentient, ultra violent poo-like protagonist who is kind of the hero named Schlock or something.
It’s a teleport malfunction and a science guy gets multiplied like 400 million times.