MrBeast FOOD HACKS: Buy a live chicken… infinite eggs! We can beat grocery stores! We just invented farming!
Also I’m so sorry for this post. Please forgive me. His face haunts me.
I’m glad that I missed most of the streamer nonsense.
* for the first 1/3rd of the chickens life
self-hoted H5N5!
Depending on how attached people get it can easily be their entire life…
Folks can certainly keep their chicken friens and make sure they have lovely long lives, but they only lay eggs for about 1/3rd of their lifespan.
Ohhhhhh I thought that it was about someone starting to lay eggs and selling them for cash… Yea, I should go to sleep.
I’m gonna share this image with no context and refuse to elavorate.
No joke my neighbor has chickens. This is how I feel haha
Same. I wonder if she’s guarding her chickens? Those breakfast restaurants might get real desperate.
I’m assuming egg products at restaurants have enough profit to not need to raise the price of those.
I can’t afford 3 at a time. Do you sell Loosies?
You breaking those baggies down? Can you front me a single? I just gotta get through tonight. bro I get paid friday don’t worry about it. Let me just get one and I’ll pick up the rest then. Come on bro.
Bullshit, that’s some shwag. Hit me up, I got that cage free.
Cage free? Next you’re gonna tell us you got Organic. Who do you think you are Pablo Escobar?
Thought they were packages of coke for a second until I remembered that eggs are white in America. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a white egg shell in person.
Where are you from, is this a joke or something? We have white eggs in Europe and Asia
UK. Maybe they exist here but I’ve never seen one.
Edit: Apparently they do exist here but brown eggs are more common. The colouring is due to the breed of the hen
Maybe bros in Australia or sumn
Nah we have white eggs here too.
I am from europe and have never seen an egg this white. Even the lightest ones have at least a slight brown tinge.
I think it’s about 1 of 3 is white for the hens here.
I’ll suck your dick maaaan, for an omelette.
Capitalization breeds innovation
Fixed that for you:
Capitalization Breeds Innovation
I don’t know why you people are even paying for eggs in the first place. All I have to do is find a lady squid.