I wanted to become a doctor but I was just not afraid enough of apples. Deathly terrified of pears, of course, but that just wasn’t what was needed.
Never made sense to me why they didn’t rhyme apple instead.
A daily apple, avoids the funeral chapel.
An apple on the daily, keeps your body from going frailly.
An apple a day is good for you, 'kay?
Or “eh?” for the Canadians out there
An Apple daily keeps Tim Cooks’ shareholders happy.
Live hack: An apple a days keeps anyone away if you can through it hard enough
I don’t understand this sentence. Did you have a stroke?
Impossible! I throw all my daily apples at doctors so I stay healthy
Oh, you meant throw, but wrote through the first time. That is how I got confused.
I realized after writing the second comment and edited neither of them
Hashtag Prankin’ Doctors On Tiktak, yOu WoN’t BeLiEvE wHaT hApPeNs NeXt!!!