The paper fan, it’s the most annoying/fun because it’s so easy to stunlock other people
I miss that fan, the cracker launcher, and also the rumble falls stage from Brawl. Everyone is here, but everything isn’t here, and everywhere isn’t here either. 0/10 unplayable
The hammer, it breeds fear in my enemies hearts.
The hammer is pure chaos, I love it!
I love using the golden hammer and mashing A to float. No one expects it and are so smug camping past a gap.
Pokéballs by far. They’re like handheld guerilla reinforcements.
I love poke balls with the super big and legendary ones turned off, more like the Melee and Brawl ones.
Sword, bat, laser gun, wand. Not for using directly, but for throwing.
Anything that can be chucked at my opponents face gives me time to rush in and combo them.
As a weekly player with friends, bees and cuccos are pretty fun when they show up. My favourite though is definitely the Home Run bat. So satisfying to hit each player with it.
I was playing the original with some friends on the N64 two weekends ago I had a great time with the homerun bat as Luigi for a round. I think I got a few home run smashes over the horizon before doing a jump blast. Fun times
It makes the most deightful sound when you chuck it and it strikes someone. Its the audio equivalent of a giant “fuck you!” Lol
I love throwing the beehives in random directions then going after whoever the bees go after lol. Also trying to recover with cuccos pushing you off the stage is hilarious. Okay maybe it’s hilarious when it happens to someone else
Unpopular opinion: All of them, but on the lowest setting.
Smash Bros is supposed to be chaotic
I have them set to high for maximum chaos. If I want less chaos then I’ll choose a more plain stage
That’s fun too, but I find it becomes a game centralized around getting items which gives less time for the characters to shine on their own merit.
All items on Very Low is like Mario Kart chaos.
All items on High is more like Mario Party chaos, haha
Fuck the particularly oppressive ones that are basically a free kill or just a nuisance, such as bellows and smoke bomb
Yes, but I still keep them in! Haha
Baseball bat. Baseball bat.
Obviously the baseball bat because
is it a cop out to say assist trophies? i just love seeing all the different reps from different games
Same. I love the silly ones like the Nintendog and the Art Academy painter lol
Gotta love Daybreak - what a blast
I love stealing an already assembled daybreak 😫👌and turning everything around
Pills and light sabers
Motion sensor bombs setup in a sequence and ray gun to help ease enemy into them. Its all about the process and journey of easing them home