The President is behind him too. I don’t like either of them, but I can see why people would want to take a picture.
The President is behind him too. I don’t like either of them, but I can see why people would want to take a picture.
People hate whenever Brave is mentioned… But when it comes to privacy, I have not regretted my decision to use it
Sword, bat, laser gun, wand. Not for using directly, but for throwing.
Anything that can be chucked at my opponents face gives me time to rush in and combo them.
Didn’t he start No Child Left Behind? Like, yea it has issues, but it was pretty clearly an effort to improve school performance. Meanwhile, it’s hard to make the same argument about trying to get rid of the Department of Education.
Stopped what shit? At the end of the day, what did it accomplish? Cops still kill black people, and most face very little repercussions.
Lack of job protection
Lack of healthcare protection
Inability to miss or reduce even a single paycheck due to cost of living
It’s winter, and most major cities North of Texas have had below freezing temps with brutal wind chill for the past several weeks
The recognition that no protest in the last 20 years has accomplished anything in the US.
Put that all together, and is it any surprise people aren’t protesting?
Was it ever explained what Scar did to ruin everything? Like, was it overhunting, or mismanagement of resources? Like when Simba came back, everything was a wasteland. Then after overthrowing Scar it rained like once and everything was fine again.
I mean, he was incredibly rich. That probably helped.
Maybe recognize that your partner doesn’t ascribe as much meaning to arbitrary dates and that silently expecting them to do something is a toxic mentality. I hope you realize you’re not teaching them any sort of lesson, you are intentionally setting yourself up to be disappointed/upset at your partner for not following the rules of a game they didn’t know you were playing.
Especially these days. Don’t you think it’s possible they have other things on their mind? I know I do. Between trying to figure out how to pay bills, figuring out how to save a little so we can retire some day, thinking about how stressful my job is, thinking about all the chores that need to be done, worrying about the health of myself and my family, worrying about car/home repairs, keeping insurance/registrations/enrollments/appointments/documents all up to date, and the endless struggle of what we’re having for dinner tonight; there’s just not a whole lot of mental space left for reading my partner’s mind and fulfilling their unspoken expectations.
You say this has been happening for years. Ever think that it’s just not something that’s going to change? That you’re expecting a fish to climb a tree unprompted and then getting upset with the fish when it doesn’t?
Grow the fuck up. Be a partner to your partner. How hard is it to say “Hey, I’d like to feel special on Valentine’s Day. It’s important to me.”?
No, they used Telegram because they’re idiots and don’t understand privacy.
Does this fully take into account Louisiana? I feel like those river deltas and swamplands add up to a massive amount of what could be considered coastline.
So folks have already explained the stick, but you’re actually somewhat close to one of the ways you can sort of bend the rules of FTL, at least when it comes to a group of photons.
Instead of a stick, imagine a laser on earth pointed at one edge of the moon. Now suddenly shift the laser to the other side of the moon. What happens to the laser point on the moon’s surface?
Well, it still takes light speed (1.3 seconds to the moon) for the movement to take effect, but once it starts, the “point” will “travel” to the other side faster than light. It’s not the same photons; and if you could trace the path of the laser, you’d find that the photons space out so much that there are gaps like a dotted line; but if you had a set of sensors on each side of the moon set up to detect the laser, they would find that the time between the first and second sensor detecting the beam would be faster than what light speed would typically allow.
It’s not exactly practical, and it’s such an edge case that I doubt we can find a good way to use it, but yeah; FTL through arc lengths can kind of be a thing. At least if you tilt your head and squint funny at it.
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The fact that people think shit like this would do something tells me that a good chunk of population has no idea what the fuck is actually happening. From the very beginning there have been constant posts of “Oooh Trump is gonna get big mad at Musky and they’re gonna break up!!” but you’re a damn fool if you think that will happen.
The US is in control of the billionaires now. No matter how stupid you think Trump is, he’s not going to risk driving away the people that are paying his bills. Even if something were to happen with Elon, Vance is still there as a Peter Thiel puppet to keep Trump in check. You can say Trump is jealous of Elon all you want, but nothing is going to happen because Trump will ALWAYS bow to those richer than him.
Cuz even if I’m semi-conscious, I’m still in my warm cocoon of heavy blankets where there are no problems and no people to bother me. There are some mornings I would give up nearly anything for just 5 more minutes.
I’m swastisure he doesn’t give a fuck. This is peak slacktivism, on par with sharing a meaningless chain post on Facebook.
It makes me sad that so few games utilized the potential of the WiiU gamepad. There was this game called Zombie U that managed to really show how incredible it could be. There was a mode where players would be in a zombie wave survival arena except 1 player would instead be controlling the spawns via a map on the gamepad. They could see where the other players were, where the weak spots were, and had their own progression tree to unlock better zombies.
Cherry picked and edited to give bad answers. Go play around with any of the big models, you’ll be bored and disappointed because 99.9% of the time it will give you exactly what you ask for.
Except Gemini. Gemini is a drunk.
What do you mean? Didn’t you see their tiny signs last night? That’ll sure show him!