I wonder why such an important piece of info is posted on social media but not on a dedicated webpage that can be linked to any social media posts.
Yay, privatization? Just post it to a social media platform so the official org doesn’t have to dedicate IT resources or further effort to it?
I mean, it’s not like people would check that dedicated webpage on their own, and they are less likely to click on that webpage to get the additional details. Just put it on the platform most people are using and don’t add extra steps to see what’s needed.
If they’re looking to Xitter it could be copy/pasted instead, but then updates get harder to manage.
if you read the article, you’d find out that the alert linked to the X post. it could be linking to a dedicated webpage instead, which wouldn’t require logging in.
Social media has a very good ratio of information spreading versus effort required. It’s also why it’s a popular thing for misinformation and influence campaigns.
In contrast, if a government agency wants to make a website for this, it probably needs a proposal, budget request, approval by a commission, a bidding process, and other bureaucatic procedures put in place by politicians that wanted to lower spending.
How hard is it to hire some 23 year old who just graduated in IT and ask them to do it? Static webpages aren’t hard, drag learned how to make them in high school.
Governments are probably a bit hesitant to go that route after a few pages like that got hacked and ended up full of Russian propaganda.
Using (only) corpomedia to announce information at government level should be illegal.
As of Jan. 20th, they will fully be one and the same.
Did Elon Musk Rape and Dismember a 14 Year Old Girl?
People are saying it. Many great people.
That’s why no official service should use commercial social media.
it’s so easy to host an ActivityPub server oneself, there’s really no excuse for a government agency not to be doing that instead of relying on ex-Twitter
it’s so easy to host an ActivityPub server oneself
Tell that to the 60+ y/o’s in charge who dread email.
Hell, at this point I’d be content with gov’t institutions using a literal blog website for stuff like this… as long as it’s publicly accessible.
edit: who downvotes this? state your reasons? have you talked to the average office worker 50+? at least where i live, the situation is looking pretty bleak with regard to “tech” (read: basic computing) task understanding/fondness/preference…
I mean fuck X, sure, but why is the police posting crucial information on a commercial, privately moderated platform? Why would you just assume everyone has an account with Musk’s service?
I’ve seen this shit in Europe too - with everyone just assuming you’ll have WhatsApp. At least most EU governments don’t use it exclusively, but I’m certain countries, like Turkey, WhatsApp is the only channel where information can often be found.
The Dutch government used Twitter for a lot of information (though this was often if not always found on their own websites as well), but now they host their own Mastodon instance for any gov related stuff that can be used by government agencies in conjunction with or as a replacement for Twitter. Which is pretty cool imo.
Honestly, Mastodon is better than Twitter of course but I would still prefer them to post official stuff on a website that isn’t social media at all.
I agree, but this would only work if people used RSS in the mainstream. They should but they don’t. So it seems posting to a social account that people can follow for updates is the path of least resistance.
I don’t X anyways. All notifications are blocked.
You would have gotten this one, because it was a Wireless Emergency Alert, not a Xhitter notification.
Bro. Just use SMS for that stuff.
That’s because Elon Musk works with the pedophile elites. He can’t have people knowing the truth.
I sincerely doubt this was anything targeted at Amber Alerts specifically.