Fantastic response and comment chain full of help.
How you know this isn’t reddit. “Dump him, lawyer up, and hit the gym” appeared nowhere in this comment.
Fantastic response and comment chain full of help.
How you know this isn’t reddit. “Dump him, lawyer up, and hit the gym” appeared nowhere in this comment.
Aviation. Pretty darn good right now, but it took 20 years of near or below poverty wages to get here. One severe economic downturn and we could be right back at shit wages.
Yes…the engineering could have been in the chip.
The rest, we’re on the same page.
I am in no way suggesting we shouldn’t be wary and not investigate. Crappy 3rd party engineering could be an issue. Placing a declarative title with no qualification as truth (because nobody reads the article) despite the quote from the corporation itself denying it in the article shouldn’t be done. Like I said, too much of that happening these days.
There is no official report of Brother doing what it’s accused of. Only a couple people having issues with a few cartridges, no analysis of whether the flaw was in the third party cartridge or an actual firmware issue, but we should get out the pitchforks and torches and leave a completely unproven statement up? I completely disagree. There’s too much BS passed off as objective truth as it is.
If you read the article:
We are aware of the recent false claims suggesting that a Brother firmware update may have restricted the use of third-party ink cartridges. Please be assured that Brother firmware updates do not block the use of third-party ink in our machines.
So there’s no reason to leave an inflammatory and likely wrong title unchanged or otherwise without notation. The title is completely readable. I’m all for wrong information being flagged, and a strikethrough is a fine method of doing so.
Knowing what fragile snowflakes trump and the republicans are they’d probably have him jailed or try to have him shot and just hand Ukraine to Putin on some sort of shared exploitation agreement.
Maybe thanks to tariffs the importation of components made overseas will become cost prohibitive vs any expected potential gains from further development of LLM/AI. Or, perhaps in addition, an expected economic downturn has caused them to re-evaluate large investments in the immediate future. Or maybe they think AI is dumb.
Seconded. I’ve definitely had more discussions here than my last year on reddit. Reddit is just a rat race to get the most upvotes for flippant comments or you get downvoted for being nonconformist, especially in the big subs. Also, participants on lemmy with agendas tend to be way more transparent - as in political or pseudo-science. Far easier to avoid or block if need be.
Sorry you and your wife are dealing with that. Kinda reminds me of an old saw: within two years of marriage you will move to within two miles of your mother in law. Sounds like maybe that’s what your wife was after with the support structure of family. FWIW “benefits” might be subjective…what one person considers beneficial may not have the same importance to another.
“No matter where you go, there you are.”
Made absolutely no sense to me when I was younger. Now, I get that it means changing one’s location or situation in an effort to avoid something doesn’t work. You’re still you, you’re there, and the problem still exists. Obviously some situations can be improved by leaving them, so the statement isn’t completely correct, but there’s plenty of truth to it.
“You can never go home again” also used to bug me, because of course you can physically return to the places you grew up. But if you’ve been away a good while the place you grew up in might have changed, the people will have changed, and you will also have changed. Home will be where you have made a new life. Your old home will be like trying to put on a shoe you haven’t worn in a few years. Yeah, it fits, but it doesn’t feel right. It’s not comfortable like it used to feel. Home isn’t there anymore. I kinda envy some people that I know who never left my hometown. They have the same friends, been hanging out for years, still get together for family stuff…but at the same time I’ve experienced a shitload more than they have. My original home doesn’t exist for me anymore.
Look at the left shoe. It’s already got a good size heel, plus the crease where the flex for the toe joints would be is just a couple inches below the laces. Dudes got high heels and lift inserts. Probably a good 3+ inches.
I think Desantis did the same thing, his boots had the creases way high up plus a way higher bridge in the boot to compensate for the lifts.
Drove a new pickup the other day, upper trim model. Felt like I was driving a luxury car. Even had hands-free driving in some areas. Those parts were amazing.
Absolutely hated the infotainment and other automatic systems. A giant clusterfk of poorly designed, non-intuitive, frustrating systems that did unexpected things or took too much time to set up. The nice tech was completely overshadowed by the over-engineered junk.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. I told ya so? I was smarter than everyone else and figured it out first?
FF has been one of the better full-featured browsers with generous amount of add-ons/plugins. There was no reason not to use it vs some less functional browser or some corporate data miner like Chrome. It still is, however some alternatives are catching up. Time will tell how it all shakes out as far as the battle between functionality, privacy, ad- and tracking-blockers, and people willing to build and maintain free browsers and plugins.
Nope. Any service that would ever do that is instantly a no-go. I’d stop using a smartphone before I’d put up with that.
People will be going to jail…
Starting with trump, right? Right?
Trump’s medical report. Just missed that he gets a hole in one every golf game.
Because you don’t look at the news doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Your perspective is deliberately limited if you ignore outside information. This is exactly what conservatives do when they willfully ignore scientific or objective facts in favor of what their echo chamber “community” anecdotal evidence tells them.
Yep. Just checked. I don’t use it hardly at all, but now it’s loaded with pro-trump, -musk, -doge, transphobe, etc. Just a crapload of right-wing bullshit.
Ugh. I hope not. But nothing to be done except save what we can.