Ask me again November 6th. If the rapist /felon wins, it will not be here. 🇺🇸
Mexico, Italy, Norway, Greece, Australia, and Kenya
I’ve been to 26 countries so far and really can’t say what my favorites were.
My least favorite was the US.
But it has to mentioned, I lived in northern Wisconsin without a car or driver’s license.
The nearest grocery store was a Walmart 25 miles away.
The only people my age within cycling distance were hardcore drug addicts and also gun nuts.
Their idea of a fun prank was shoving an unloaded shotgun into my face and pulling the trigger.
The only place to go out at all was a bar. People drove there with their trucks, got drunk, and drove back home.Why would you respond to this post with a comment of the opposite information than the post topic is about? You are the only person in this thread with experience in numerous other countries and instead to use the comment to shit on the country everyone shits on. Lol if this was the sat essay question you’d fail the fuck out of it.
This isn’t an SAT question, though.
A country is solely a government controlling a territory and a population. It’s a tool and it should be seen as one.
It makes more sense to have a favourite screwdriver than a favourite country. At least it’s a physical tool.
You must be fun at parties