I’m especially interested in the disabled or people that have to rely on others for support, government or otherwise. Tell me your story if you are up for it. I don’t care how old this post is, tell me anyways.
I’m especially interested in the disabled or people that have to rely on others for support, government or otherwise. Tell me your story if you are up for it. I don’t care how old this post is, tell me anyways.
I spent my 20’s and early 30’s trudging in a job where I was mistreated, vastly underpaid and struggling. I also have mental health problems and visual impairment that persist to this day, so I’m exceedingly fortunate that I was able to find a better path in life.
I landed a better job in my late 30’s and in the years since I’ve paid off my car, my student loans, bought a condo, and saved a fair amount of money.
Being poor for so long taught me to live cheaply, which I still do even though I could spend more if I wanted to.
The major turning point was March 2020. When some oil stocks dropped below a dollar in value I took every spare dollar I had, bought shares between 30 and 75 cents, and then a few years later sold them for $12 a share. That paid off my student loans and funded the down payment on my home.
But even when I was poor I never didn’t save. It was better to be eating mac-and-cheese and have money in the bank if I needed it than to be surrounded by the latest stuff and have nothing to fall back on.