If you learn to code, you learn that major bugs in releases are horrible and indicative of neglect.
In a professional sense my experience is that they’re more often the result of under-staffing and rigid, fixed release schedules.
And changing priorities and scope.
Yeah, it shouldn’t happen in a release. But, if I had a penny for every time I’ve seen the last minute development that wasn’t tested yet and not even due for the current release squeezed in. I’d literally have a pound, or dollar or whatever else has 100 pennies in.
I am still complaining, but now I blame the managers
“wow, what director level ass pushed them so hard that they had to leave that bug in?”
I think of the T-pose all the time in cyberpunk, that was a bug that was horrible but obviously it was tracked somewhere, and some director was like “it’s fine, ship it”
As a software engineer, annoying bugs that should be so simple to fix are so frustrating! I wish I could just have a crack and fixing it myself!
Show a man some bugs and he will be miserable for one day.
Teach a man how to code bad and he will be miserable for his whole life.True words by a wise programmer
ITT: Learn to code and you’ll never understand irony again!
That’s not true - I’m complaining about the bugs in our software almost every day!
My favorite part is guessing what they do that results in the bug!
Right?? That’s one of my favorite aspects, like there’s a weird bug and you can kind of backtrack what happened like “Oh I wasn’t supposed to jump out of the car I had to walk through the precise path, I missed the trigger or something I guess??”