Fuck Nationalists, White Supremacists, Nazis, Fascists, The Patriarchy, Maga, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes, the Police.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2022


  • Meh. Stock up on crowbars, axes, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. Drive into the hills and away from the cities, stock up on as much canned food and water I can cram into my tiny ass car. I don’t have a gun nor know how to use it, but I’d probably try and kill a cop zombie at some point after the outbreak. Then only use it on myself if it looks like it be eaten alive.

    Otherwise I’d try to live a quiet secluded life reading books, attempting to garden, fish, and trap small game animals. All while mourning my loved ones while waiting for the weight of the depression to finally convince me life isn’t worth living in such a state. Hopefully that takes a good long while, but yknow…that’s unlikely.

    I’d likely die of starvation or dehydration before the zombies got me, unless we’re talking sprinters…then no way.

    I used to play Project Zomboid. The game mechanics make the learning difficulty high and you have to start from the beginning if you die…and there is no plot nor point to the story other than just survive in a world where you are the sole survivor of a zombie outbreak. It forces you into thinking like this often the longer you play. Amazing game, but very depressing.

  • If you believe your self, your awareness, your consciousness are manifestations of neurons firing in a brain, then as soon as those stop, you cease to be.

    I believe that those neurons are a sort of radio signal, and that the self as I know it is a kind of wave transmitted from some time/place. When the body dies and the brain dies with it, I believe that connection is gone, and that signal is lost, but that the time/place from which the signal originated still exists. This doesn’t indicate that I, the self, still am somehow alive or exist in some other way, the specific manifestation of myself as who I an is gone in this case, but I do take some solace in the fact that the signal that propagated the awareness of my own being still goes on.

  • Not sure if these are exactly loopholes, but whatever.

    Learning to shave with a straight razor will save you a fuckton of money on shaving products. Shaving soap makes each shave cost a cent at most. The downsides are the initial cost of the razor and strop, the initial learning curve, the upkeep, and the couple extra minutes necessary to shave with a straight razor (it’s not too much, but it does take a bit longer).

    Learning to roast coffee will cut your coffee costs by 50% if you enjoy high quality arabica beans. Some of the best coffee I’ve ever had I roasted and brewed myself. The extra time investment and clean up necessary is pretty intensive though, and yeah, there’s an initial learning curve and equipment cost (though not too bad, you just need a stovetop, an old school stovetop popcorn popper, and a burr grinder).

  • I created my account a couple years before any of the recent reddit migrations. I am always interested in alternatives to the status quo and simply searched in DDG “reddit alternatives” one day and bam, Lemmy came up.

    I signed up, but honestly I barely used it back then as the traffic was miniscule.

    I kind of just hung onto this account and it ended up being my main social media outlet now that there’s more people here. I’m hoping Lemmy thrives and attracts more users. It is objectively better than Reddit, it just needs more users and communities imho.