Nobody made the argument they were responding to, they made it themselves and then posted a picture “owning” it
That’s strawmanning
Nobody made the argument they were responding to, they made it themselves and then posted a picture “owning” it
That’s strawmanning
Oh hey look, a strawman!
however it doesn’t come with pre installed proprietary drivers
It prompts you on boot (until turned off) with a list of things to do, including “driver manager” which will get those Nvidia (and any others like USB wifi adapters) drivers for you ezpz
Honestly easier than windows, even
especially from people who (rightly) think we need to ban guns
Oh no, it’s stupid…
Social media focuses on following individuals, not topics
No, social media is media that is social
Media: a means of mass communication
Social: having to do with other people
This is a forum: a place if mass communication where the entire point is to share and comment with other people, aka social media
They didn’t say anything about that
If you haven’t done this and need the same ability IMMEDIATELY: reboot, or just shut down
Every first boot requires pin same as lockdown
Also: set a nonstandard finger in a weird way as your finger unlock if you wanna use that, then theyre likely to fail to get that to work should you not manage to lock it down beforehand
Finally: there are apps that let you use alternate codes/finger unlocks to wipe/encrypt/reboot the device instead, allowing you to pretend to cooperate with the cops up until they realize they got played
Never had that problem with the Google voice service
Yeah yeah it’s google, but it gives numbers that work