It wasn’t commodified nearly to the extent it is now, so a large portion of it existed merely because of people’s passion. There were no super sites of information like reddit, so people would create their own websites and forums dedicated to one subject. Forums still had their arguments, but it wasn’t nearly as vitriolic as social media is now. Search really, really sucked until Google came along. Slow as balls.
True. It’s like how they say they’re going to make us healthier while deregulating literally everything
“Work will set you free”
What do you think is more likely, Republicans, for the first time in existence do something to help people and put together a safe and comprehensive mental wellness program for people that need it that would cost billions? Or the party of the 13th amendment expanding it to include anyone they deem undesirable?
Holy shit just like an LLM
You would really enjoy the When Phones Were Fun series on YouTube if you haven’t seen them
I think people have given up on the idea that there will ever be any sort of health care reform (even though we did see prices frozen on some drugs last administration) and through the clearest sense of Americanism, guns and violence have become the only answer
Also hi Flying Squid, hope you’re doing well <3
In a way I almost prefer this. I don’t want any software that can distinguish between trans and cis people. The risk for harm is extremely high.
They’ve already passed a genital inspection law for kids sports in Ohio.
It’s cool and all to dunk on their logical fallacies, but don’t think for one second that their poor wording will stop them from enacting untold violence against trans people.
This is also a plot point in the French animated scifi move Mars Express. It’s super good!