Thanks Mickey
Thanks Mickey
Agreed, but things act differently at scale and it’s not like there’s 10 billion+ hammers being used at the same time, almost all of the time, for years on end
Yeah I think blanket statements either way are misguided. Some tech does help the disabled, other tech makes their lives much more difficult. It’s like any other tool, when it’s used at scale by something aiming for optimizing profit it will have terrible side effects
You see, it actually did still save you time from finding a local shop that sells it and interacting with your neighbor
Maybe not be sexist by comparing asses to blow up sex dolls? You don’t make many friends by shitting on your friends to shit on your enemies, yeah?
Yeah, with the Vault 7 releases and recent leaks showing NSA follows homeless people’s connections (who tend to hang out at libraries due to a lack of 3rd spaces), I don’t doubt there’s specific tracking, malware and other unwanted software at libraries. I don’t have any sources of this, but it wouldn’t surprise me
Maybe I’m overly parandoid because ::gestures at everything::
So issue here is privacy, the library is likely scanning whatever device connected, not just the files and file metadata
Welp, that’s enough internet for the week for me