They stole ‘libertarian’ too, used to mean anarchist.
Anarchism is explicitly anti-capitalist.
e/acc or technofascists
On this note. Being right.
People are terrified of disagreeing with people and ruining the harmony.
I literally can’t remember any of my birthdays lmao.
Not even the big ones. Ive done stuff, I’m sure. Nothing particularly bad.
Paper straws are useless. They should be metal or something decent.
Jesus dude get an escort and chill out. Stop thinking so much and be impulsive.
Algorithms themselves are fine. It’s wikipedia. I’d actually use it if it brought me to interesting pages based on a recommender algorithm.
I mean, you brought it up.
Completely left on the authoritarian scale and the social one. Economic axis isn’t about morality but mine is also the best there. (Neo proudhonian / mutualist via non violent agorist counter economic revolution)
Fuck the dems. If there’s one thing we can agree on they shouldn’t get back in.
I am a pragmatist. And the best option at the time was not letting that lunatic anywhere near power. Unless you’re an accelerationist but that ain’t the argument most are making.
It’s impossible to know the impact it had on people on sitting it out. Probably they just stole it anyway but still. Hate to see leftists enabling the fascists.
I’m not punching left I’m punching up at the authoritarians. There’s no-one left of me.
By “demonstrably true” I mean the things we said would happen (West Bank sold off to Adelson, genocide would ramp up across the board, annexation of all palestianian areas) are now coming to fruition.
A is their second favourite after O, IIRC.
Yep my mum is AB+ and she is the magnet if I’m not on holiday with them :)
I’m so delicious I manage to protect the full villa.
Of course she would support Israel too. The argument is that Trump would be worse, which is now demonstrably true.
It matters because unless you see through the propaganda pushed by zionists/russia/whoever else wants the west to fall - you will side with them again.
Here is Chomsky explaining why yes, that is the more logical choice
I had some nitwit self-described Chomsky-anarchist the other day who sounded a lot like you, went real quite after I shared that.
As a leftist, I’m hoping the never-kamala types can rejoin the rest of the leftists in opposing outright fascism, thanks.
It depends on blood type. They prefer O’s and +’s
O+ here and I am the magnet.
Huh, why? Because of shit management?
Idk. Ban from communities after negative karma threshold with an automatic vote weighted by users subreddit karma to appeal? Just the first thing that popped to mind though sure there’s better ways. Matrix was working towards something iirc last i checked.
As it stands you can get blocked for life from a significant portion of lemmy for saying Trump is worse than Kamala would’ve been.
Scots - I like fannybaws.
(Vagina testicles)