“I waggle my dick in front of my brother and he punches it every time”
From OPs context, and they could certainly clarify, but it sounds like they just won’t shut up about class struggle, wealth inequality… For which for the terminally online there is an endless appetite for and you can find a cozy echo chamber to nuzzle up in.
So his brother doesn’t share the same views on Elon musk.ok. he obviously knows this by now. Why does he insist on asking about it? Why ask a question that has no bearing on either of your lives where if you don’t get an agreement on you’ll be so mad you’ll not go to their wedding when you know the answer ahead of time.
They’re both assholes. He shouldn’t go to the wedding but honestly based on the context as presented I don’t think the brother is going to be upset about it.
Could be. Tolerance and assholes aren’t binary states, so it depends on the context what the measure is.
If someone intentionally steps on an ant at a funeral, and I decide I’m not going to let it slide and interrupt the eulogy to give an impassioned lecture about how needless killing is immoral, even if it’s an ant, I’d be an asshole.
If I saw some schoolyard bullies beating up a kid and I didn’t intervene I’d be an asshole.