you either get a shitty Gif, or something along the lines of “hey.”
So same result as when men message first.
you either get a shitty Gif, or something along the lines of “hey.”
So same result as when men message first.
I was thinking more for user benefit, for those who want to stay on FB. If they could know setting their VPN to a German server would give them German law protections, for example.
I wonder how they determine what needs to be moderated under which country’s rules. If one were to start accessing FB from the US through a VPN set to somewhere in the EU, if that would result in showing the user a moderated feed.
Boycott - to abstain from or act together in abstaining from using, buying, dealing with, or participating in as an expression of protest or disfavor or as a means of coercion.
Why, yes. I think he’s right. Dadgum, he’s just so smart.
When you say “Chinese” becomes lingua franca, do you mean Mandarin? Cantonese? Yue? Hakka? Other? If Mandarin, do you mean Jilu? Jiaolio? Other?
I don’t think “Chinese” or any sinitic language ever becomes the global language. Translation is becoming so simple, I would expect any new global initiative can work in 3-4 languages simultaneously.
UN headquarters relocating - I think it would be more likely the UN collapses and is replaced by something else with China leading.
The Chinese movie industry is already huge, we just don’t see much of it in the US.
Lots of Chinese people aren’t into fengshui. That’s kind of a bizarre stereotype for you to pick out of everything mentioned.
The aerospace industry in China has a ways to go before they can be classified in the same tier as Airbus. They are getting better, but still heavily rely on borrowing designs instead of creating their own.
Baidu, HarmonyOS, a computer OS - fine by me to add more options.
What I actually hope is the idea of a single global superpower dies completely. It’s not even the current reality for the US; it’s just propaganda.