This isn’t racist at all. /s
Holy cow. Someone got it. You win the internet today. I’m so used to no one getting my jokes, I take it for granted. Thanks.
I’m locked in. Who needs AI?
Zorg from the movie The Fifth Element.
And just like that, AI was now good.
You know what is best for you. Good luck.
Convincing someone that they hold illogical positions takes time. If they value your friendship, then they should respect your feelings and at least be open to the conversation. It took me years to deprogram my mother. It took patience and a lot of compassion to slowly change her mind. If he is amicable, it may not be a lost cause. Eventually, Musk’s actions and peer pressure from the public may bring him around. It can happen.
That being said, if he harbors white supremacist views and is uncompromising, it might be best to excise that toxicity from your life. Only you know the contextual reality of this situation. Can his mind be changed? Or is this a lost cause?
If it’s the latter, be compassionate and let them know that you will always be available if they are willing to change their mind.
This is so true, and why I posted this video to help us understand it. I went through this with a family member and it’s exhausting.
I’m jealous of the human.
Bro, what is raw earth?
Tales will be told of this day henceforth.
Maybe it’s just on mobile.
Can you access her website? Maybe it’s just me.
Looks like Big Balls got to Harris’s campaign website
We’ve lost PolitiFact gang. They’re working with Meta now.
Just dropped a new vid an hour ago too.
Time exists. If you’re not moving forward you’re going backward. Inherently, the status quo is regressive. Btw, I’m old too.
The country that has endured racism since its inception? Yeah, we might be able to recognize it when we see it.