•The PC is Dead: It’s Time to Make Computing Personal AgainEnglish
2 days agoYarr! 😉
A frog who wants the objective truth about anything and everything.
Admin of
Yarr! 😉
Ribbit :)
I believe they only allow you to use the official Tuta email client.
I don’t have a lot of experience with cloud storage, but appears to have a good reputation. They offer a lifetime license as well in 100gb chunks (under starter packs), which is interesting, especially if your storage size needs aren’t great.
For Email: Posteo, Tutanota, Disroot
For VPN: Mullvad, AirVPN, IVPN
For password manager: Keypassxc, Bitwarden
I believe AirVPN is the last respected VPN that allows port forwarding.
I’m actually going to suggest; Yes, possibly. But for a very specific reason.
While much of social media isn’t ultra necessary, federated social media could be quite essential to collectivising and resisting state and corporate manipulation and propaganda. All other forms of media and news are corporate or state controlled, and thus can construct and project false narritives that are beneficial to their aims, much to our collective detriment.
Social media has become the dominant way that many, possibly most people, see the news, discuss such news with eachother from people around the globe, and build a picture of what’s going on outside of their isolated part of the world. I think Noam Chomsky in Manufacturing Consent gives a pretty fantastic argument on the importance of citizen controlled media, and federated social media is about as citizen controlled as it can possibly get. It’s non-corporate self-hosted open source software as far as the eye can see! It’s not perfect, but holy shit this is as powerful as a tool to diseminate ideas and information on a grassroots level that we’ve ever had, and we should not underestimate its usefulness in the coming decade.