Okay, so start boycotting Amazon now and don’t stop.
Okay, so start boycotting Amazon now and don’t stop.
Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found
I agree, fuck those headlights, but I don’t understand the point of a community for it.
Somewhere for me to go and make myself annoyed?
Baby learned a new word and it’s eager to show it off.
Outrage without action is irrelevant.
Another confession?
I didn’t accuse you of anything
Do you know what the word “accuse” means? You accused me of 7 things in this comment alone, (all of which appear to be confessions).
What have I done that’s “unhinged”? Asked you a simple question?
This is an “every accusation is a confession” situation isn’t it?
I’m unhinged? You’re the one complaining that there was no “real convo” and now you get all upset and aggressive when I ask a simple follow-up question to your statement. I thought you “knew what you are afraid of” but here you are immediately trying to deflect.
Are you afraid of direct answers and making clear statements?
I also know what I am afraid of
Okay, what specific chemicals are you afraid of?
Ah yes, that well documented command that any regular user is going to know about…
As opposed to spending the day reading social media where the knowledge is useful?
At least use an adblocker
The average age of an empire is 250 years, now were going to find out what’s going to replace it.
That glitch seems weirdly consistent in the types of Subs that got “accidentally” banned.
RIP SkaveRat
This is one of my favorites: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2521
And 40% didn’t think it was important enough to even vote