And yet this is a place where centrism is the goal.
- We know that trying to tightly control economies does not work. At all. We shouldnt even try.
- We also know that corporate-anarchy serves only robber barons. That’s not acceptable.
So yes, the best answer is to give the market freedom but not complete freedom. To let it do its ups and downs … within limits. To combine the strengths of capitalism with the guardrails of a guided market. Where the capitalist driven market does not serve society, it’s a failure to guide the market so capitalism fulfills desirable goals
When I give out my email, I always get spam, regardless of how many boxes I uncheck.
When I give out my phone number, sometimes I don’t
Of course that no longer makes sense since I have one phone number I can’t easily change, but give out uniquely generated emails that I can individually turn off