Also first cook on a Ninja Woodfire Outdoor Grill. 7 lbs, about 6 hours and 3-hour rest. Maybe not technically perfect, but a tasty first try!
Also first cook on a Ninja Woodfire Outdoor Grill. 7 lbs, about 6 hours and 3-hour rest. Maybe not technically perfect, but a tasty first try!
Did you make sure to don some black nitrile gloves and give it a good squeeze to get rid of all those pesky flavor juices?
Kidding of course… Looks good! I’ve done 3 or 4 full packers and struggle to get both the point and flat to come out the way I want. Wrapping helps, but it’s definitely not trivial!
If I have parts that come out tough/dry, I like to vacuum seal and freeze them for next time I make chili.
Fattier bits can be good chopped up and fried quickly in a cast iron skillet for tacos (fry just long enough to let some of the fat render and crisp up kinda like carnitas)
Why you gotta make me hungry like that? Now i want tacos…