Writer:“Hey Boss, I finished today’s news story.”

Boss: “Oh, this Reddit, is it a good source we should use in the future?”

Writer: “Oh, yeAahhH…there’s loads of things on here…WwoAh, look sOmeone’s argument with their ex, and they’re not getting the support they wanted in the comments section. Oh, tHerE’s someone’s cat knocking over a vase. NoOo other news station has any of this stuff! Someone’s got their week allll lined up for them… I’ll be soOon on my way to the top of I keep this up”

    • Lumidaub@feddit.org
      7 days ago

      This stuff uses valuable energy, not just in the “reporting” but in that your brain needs to process the headline and blurb and evaluate its usefulness in order to filter it out from actual news. Not to mention it pushes out the actual news from your news feed.