FBI does a lot of good work. Most obvious are the national and international pedo and sex trafficking busts. The last director, Christopher Wray clearly testified to Congress they right-wing white supremacists were the number one domestic terrorist threat. They also oversaw the largest criminal investigation and prosecution in the agency’s history with Jan 6th insurrectionists. They also disrupted the maga plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer.
Like most things, the agency’s directives are only as good as whom we place in the White House.
I must be dumb. Please explain?
It’s like rain 🌧️ on your wedding day.
It’s a free ride 🎢 when you’ve already paid Sorry. Got carried away.
By that logic, no one should have taken aid against Hitler from the US or England because they were racists.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Let me put it this way.
Who do you think has a better chance of finding the Trump pee tape, a doctor from the Veterans Administration, or the Special-Agent-In-Charge of the New York office of the FBI?
The enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy, no more, no less
- Maxim 29
I hear from someone who said he didn’t vote because he’d heard a George Carlin routine.