Never use a “for-profit adblocker”. Ublock Origin is free, open source and therefore won’t fuck you over. You can guess where this “profit” is coming from when you’re not paying for your “for-profit” adblocker
We have a problem. People have learned that they shouldn’t use a free VPN. By that logic you shouldn’t use a free ad blocker either. People don’t understand the details enough so they operate on broad ideas.
Never use a “for-profit adblocker”. Ublock Origin is free, open source and therefore won’t fuck you over. You can guess where this “profit” is coming from when you’re not paying for your “for-profit” adblocker
Most prominently, this includes Adblock Plus, which functions as extortion-ware, extorting payments from ad-dealers to let their ads through.
We have a problem. People have learned that they shouldn’t use a free VPN. By that logic you shouldn’t use a free ad blocker either. People don’t understand the details enough so they operate on broad ideas.