If you’re going to come into the thread with such a comment you could at least offer us all free samples.
If you’re going to come into the thread with such a comment you could at least offer us all free samples.
Can we clarify if they properly wash their toys between partners? A large proportion of sex toys are designed to be safe to throw in a pot of boiling water (think plugs, dildos etc…) and most other ones are handwashable so… are the toys getting a reasonable amount of cleaning between use?
(Also, this question can probably be ungendered as there are plenty of sex toys for everyone).
I’m confused by the wording of your question but I assume you’re asking:
If you work & commute 10+ hours a day how can you care for a cat?
Cats can honestly take care of themselves pretty well, prepandemic we had two cats so they wouldn’t get lonely but it’s pretty easy to set up a timed auto feeder to space out their eating and most cats won’t mind the letterbox being scooped two times a day (if you have a finicky cat there are options like setting out multiple boxes or getting one that periodically scoopes itself).
So yeah, the only real question when it comes to cats is “is the isolation fair to the cat” which you’ll need to answer yourself - I think having 2+ cats makes it more pleasant for them by not leaving them entirely alone but I do know folks that board their cats everyday like you might a dog so… that’s a decision you need to make yourself.
If you genuinely feel you have no chance to meet real people (assuming you’re not specifically talking about sex) then I’d suspect you’ve got a big mental block you need to understand better.
Forming relationships takes effort and isn’t always a painless process but people are out there who share your interests and would like to be your friend because there are an incomprehensibly large number of people out there.
If you’re able to I would suggest looking into therapy to help you work through what’s going on (and nobody here on the internet can understand you well enough to give genuinely helpful advice in passing) and overcome that. If you’re unable to for financial or other reasons then, as a last ditch effort, just try and force yourself to do shit with others. To me that’d be going to local boardgame nights or trying to join an RPG group - for you these activities would likely be different but there are hobby groups everywhere.
Please do not go into these groups if your desired outcome is just sex - there are clearer and more appropriate ways to pursue that - but there are very few people in the world who, if asked, would say “My number of friends? Yea, I’m precisely at my limit, I never want to meet anyone new.”
Shouldn’t the Twitter mirroring services have this information available?
Honestly, dog whistling using Luigi is generally acceptable if left vague. I’ve only seen moderation around explicit calls for violence against specific people.
I’ve made my fair share of Luigi jokes (i.e. Will Luigi be attending the inauguration) without mods leaping at my throat.
I grew up in the states (Massachusetts w/ university in Vermont) and immigrated to Canada (Vancouver) a few years after graduating.
I’ve also lived for short terms (90 days) in Spain twice - once in Barcelona and once in Puerto de Santa Maria.
AIPAC is much worse than ADL. It’s the American-Isreali Political Action Committee and those are the folks that frequently fund primary opponents in US elections for anyone who doesn’t support US aide to Isreal and other Israeli interests like not calling what’s happening in Palestine a genocide.
Zionism is support for a sovereign Jewish state - I’m personally opposed to zionism because I don’t believe in fundamentalism or officially embraced national religions.
It sounds like you also disapprove of zionism but may have bought into propaganda spread by the ADL and AIPAC that try and equate antizionism and antisemitism - this has been a pretty long running political game in the US and deeply harmed a lot of ethnically Jewish folks.
I’d suggest reading up on what zionism is so you can dispel what seem to be a lot of deep seated misconceptions about the term.
A lot.
I know there’s a proportion that were simply ignorant and tuned out of politics… but most Trump voters did so over the very loud objections of trans relatives or while openly embracing the nativism.
Lastly, I think that Harris did a terrible job advocating for her election and she owns a fair portion of the blame as well.
Trump wasn’t an unknown this time. He attempted to subvert our election process and he’s a convicted rapist. He openly embraced corruption during his last term and is already shilling crypto bullshit.
Trump voters are terrible selfish people - end of story.
I think you’re well aware that small political differences shouldn’t get in the way of family and have worked to be tolerant in the past.
You’re not an asshole. You’re an adult. You shouldn’t do this lightly but if you’ve given this serious consideration you should follow your heart.
There are no requirements.
I’d advise that if you’re making a parody site you have some disclosure of that fact pretty accessible on your website (it doesn’t need to be front and center but it needs to be reasonably discoverable).
No, fuck religion. Religion is the source of so many of our modern problems. People need more practice at rational thinking and religion often discourages that.
I’m fine with having better community but it’s like… a really simple problem. Look at Spain, everyone spends their free time in common spaces where they develop relationships with their communities are stronger for it.
What we fucking need is less cars and more parks and plazas - we don’t need a church meddling in our shit.
It didn’t surprise me, it was just deeply disappointing. I did hope Harris would win but so many factors of her campaign were just terrible and doomed to fail.
As a Canadian American I went through the shit to actually naturalize and thus feel entitled to both Thanksgivings - neither is an obscure holiday but I think it’s pretty niche to celebrate both.
Small class sizes with alternative teaching methods were absolutely invaluable to my ADHD ass before diagnosis. I was the stereotypical “Gosh he’s gifted but he’s always so lazy” ADHD kid so small class sizes (it was a group of four of us) to really focus on math kept me engaged and from falling into the ADHD death spiral.
Let’s not lie to ourselves now. The winner would probably be a SQLite flat file serialized into a postgres text column.
Violence really, really fucking sucks.
It may be necessary, but if there’s any other option you should look to that first. If it legitimately comes to violence a lot of innocent people are going to suffer in a big way.
Almost always, I used to be shy and bashful but I don’t have time for that shit anymore. I’ve eaten too much grief from miscommunication to care about how people will judge me - if they’re someone I want to connect with in the future they won’t judge me and if they judge me I don’t give a shit about them.
My two exceptions are 1) money is involved (I absolutely will withhold neurodivergence from potential future employers or business partners because I’ve got enough disabilities already) and 2) I’m not the primary in the social situation (an example is that I had on all my masks and even wore fucking pants to my aunt’s funeral. It was in the south and I didn’t want to cause him any trouble beyond everything he was already dealing with).
Normally, though, I wear my ADHD plastered to my fucking forehead because why the fuck not.
Please do let me know if you folks are hiring. I too am willing to have severe IBS.