he would at least ATTEMPT to pretend to care about working class people
No need to speculate. The man was president for 8 years, he had plenty of opportunities to do that. He didn’t.
“Orange skin and in a committed relationship with Bert” “orange skin that is removed before juicing”
Love jerboa. It was rough at first but the bugs got worked out pretty quick. Now it’s perfect, all the features I need and nothing that I dont
I hate the information superhighway the world wide web the blogosphere social media web2.0 mobile the cloud IOT blockchain ar/vr generative AI
They really do seem to be on a mission to cram it into everything
This picture predates any genai capable of making it by like 4 years
Anglophones call Deutschland “Germany”, and we don’t even share a border with them.
Remember, there are more slaves now than at any point in history
Exactly. Imagine if we judged European beer based on nothing but Heineken.
Socialism is the workers owning the means of production.
For instance, Trump’s plan for the feds to buy TikTok
In Connecticut it’s required before you can get a hunting license
“People deserve to die for buying the wrong car. I am the good guy in this scenario.”
Maybe if the Nazis are the butt of the joke. That’s not the case here.
I was hoping musks cringy-ass post had killed off the shitty Nazi puns but here we are. Lemmy is more reddit every day.
It used to be called affirmative action, and it’s existed for at least 30 years. Then the liberals renamed it to dei a few years ago and it suddenly became the biggest threat to american democracy
If you already have Microsoft authenticator just use that. They’re all basically the same
Implying bezos cares enough about lowly shipping staff to ejaculate on them
I demand that my books are written by hand, with a quill pen, by candlelight. I need to know that some effort went into the creative process.
Outlook is a client, OWA is a web based version of that client. Microsoft is bad at names but I don’t see a problem with these tbh