OMG. I had a terrible dental experience because of this.
Surban mom.
OMG. I had a terrible dental experience because of this.
Maybe… Is saving considered hoarding? Is leaving a small inheritance to your kids considered hoarding?
Even without the semantic confusion or disagreement, it doesn’t change the fundamental dynamic identified in the post.
Taxing people appropriately is obviously the right way to go. But it actually doesn’t change the dynamic identified in the meme substantially. Rich people still hoard resources (albeit less after taxes). And basic needs are only met if enough people keep working to pay taxes or enrich their employers who pay taxes.
I mean, that experiment has been run and it is wildly difficult to manage (humans are quite wily!).
Also, at what point do you tip into you-dont-get-choose-your-job land? Is it still considered freedom if you are required to have a job to serve basic needs of the larger community? For example, we need more doctors even without universal healthcare in the US. If we covered the basic needs of everyone, wouldn’t we have to require some people to become doctors, who are not on that trajectory today?
I do wonder what the alternative is… Would that be growing/hunting your own food and making your own clothes and building your own shelter? I don’t know about anyone else, but I would not live long in that scenario.
It’s a reference to a Simpsons episode, where Bart writes “nobody likes a sunburn slapper” on the blackboard in the opening.
It’s more than just a flavor, it’s a way of life. 😉 You can put on salad, French fries, pizza (!!!). Doritos and Corn Nuts come in a ranch. It is a popular meme and Halloween costume. And so much more!
Well, we will need some different, better minds on it to see success. I’d embrace it if I thought someone had any vague idea of how to execute it.