Yes! That’s also him.
Yes! That’s also him.
Thanks for the correction! The name felt odd, but I got distracted and couldn’t verify it.
Then you will be happy to learn that the author Shunji Ito has a lot more disturbing stories.
I am torn on that. If it’s a company making money off of it, despicable. If it’s an open source model used for memes? I’m fine with that. We shouldn’t act like artists follow some magical calling from god. Anything anyone creates is built on their education and the media they were exposed to. I don’t think generative models are any different.
Text, sure. But I don’t get the hate towards AI generated images. If it’s a good image and it’s not meant to mislead, I am completely fine with AI content. It’s not slop if it’s good.
I read an article, that the executioner who operated the electric chair was sometimes called the state electrician. I liked that, as I like many little known words and phrases. It has nothing to do with his job, the euphemism just tickled my fancy.
No, they did not. All I saw was a statement that people making a living on sites like TikTok or YouTube are also part of the entertainment industry. Which is just a fact. Whether you like short form content on these sites or not doesn’t change that fact.
Nobody is saying that. But I will take a great meme over a shitty movie any day.
s xneeds to die
Are there any TVs with DP?
When baking, I take the right amount of butter with 1g of accuracy.
Oh man, I hate the motion sensors so much, when they’re outside the booths.