oh okay thank you!
yeah actually a lot of my account is focused doing exactly that :) this is reposted, but my original content i try to keep very rhetorically effective—and i also fact check it (unlike this trainwreck lol)
oh okay thank you!
yeah actually a lot of my account is focused doing exactly that :) this is reposted, but my original content i try to keep very rhetorically effective—and i also fact check it (unlike this trainwreck lol)
/gen? would love a source if so i must have missed that
mods say im fine also i don’t appreciate how you deleted then reposted to spam my notifs.
too much sarcasm i was being genuine. if you want to give me a real answer feel free but i literally cannot parse what you mean here :(
this is true and no one but you is saying it
don’t worry the whole thing is made up :) fully fictional content
it’s not real heads up
because i didn’t know also it’s a joke and impacts no one.
post is now tagged.
yall i got to it as soon as i had time to edit the post and i thanked and upvoted the fact check as soon as i got the notification
literally chill. it’s now tagged. this is a meme community.
he didn’t say that it’s a meme
what does this mean lol
you got it thanks for being nice everyone else is such jerks about it :)
i did, as soon as i had time. downvote to say thanks :)
thanks for fact check, appreciated :)
ok fair but not relevant to my own point post it somewhere relevant next time if you want me to support lol
“If you dislike pancakes that must mean you LOOOOVE waffles right?”
No bitch thats a brand new sentence wtf is you talking about.
Yes but in discussing politics we are not relegated to the same limitations we have in voting. Thus there is no contradiction between voting down-ballot Democrat, then going home and tweeting “I hate Dick Cheney and the Democrats.”
OP makes a clownish commentary on this. If someone did not vote blue who probably should have, shame on them, but the Democrats are still wrong.
Non-contributing rage bait. The Democrats were wrong. The Democrats still are wrong. And the Democratic presidential candidate was infinitely better than her opposition.
Nuance motherfucker do you speak it.
mike from pa he’s a leftist but he gets international politics so incredibly wrong also he hit a couch once
oh there’s been a miscommunication but i now see what u mean tyty