Needs more guy liner.
Needs more guy liner.
I remember the driver being female, and i want to say it was her mother in the passenger seat that was hit. Yeah, i stopped using digg or whatever it was for a while after that…
Alternate take: You’ve filtered out the obvious garbage and/or don’t care about YouTube drama!
“Andrew Garfield nice”!?
How many times do I have to manually enter “nude”!? I wanna see that Andy G, D!
I love garlic stuffed olives, but have to eat them with chopsticks to slow myself down.
My dogs love Pupperonis (one letter away from pepperoni), but I call them puppereenies so they don’t go ape shit when discussing toppings…
Edit: Swipe typing is getting worse every day, fixed auto assumptions…
Red letter media
I love Star Trek, but don’t want to watch the modern Alex kurtzman garbage, so they take the bullet for me.
I’m also not a movie guy, so watching their reviews/analysis while playing Minecraft is more entertaining than the movies they talk about.
Best of the worst is them watching B and direct to video movies that i wouldn’t otherwise know about.
The only “creation” I’ve tried to do is a cover letter for job hunting. If I needed something other than a resume, portfolio AND references, then I see nothing wrong with using one to do work that another ai is going to look at… Just my $0.02
Whenever i search for a problem now, most of the posts that contain actual answers are more than a year old, and increasingly out dated.
Fortunately, Lemmy is tech savvy and small enough that I can ask questions without worrying about the down vote brigade.
I forget which one, but there’s a b-movie that uses this quote.
I like to think Adam is using it ironically, whereas the MAGAts is it as a battle cry.
Ugh, and they tried to cash in on nostalgia with that Leslie Nelson movie…
I reject your reality and substitute my own… MAGAntra
The phone number is the contract number for Lieutenant governor Dan Patrick.
Love this for him ;)
Yup, found on my phone yesterday.
It also claimed that i was part of the beta program, which is probably how they back-doored it in, so make sure you leave the beta program to keep it from coming back.
DNA digital data storage
Using dna to encode digital data has been shown to be stable, reliable and easily reproducible. And according to Wikipedia, there’s a technique that can encode data at 1Mbps. Not lightning fast by any stretch, but it works!
Nope, reduced by 10%, leaving you with 90% of the original quantity.
“Could of…”
It’s “could have”!
Edit: I’m referring to text based things, like text and email. I can pretty much ignore the mispronouncing.
And this is going to reduce the price of eggs, how?
Derp. You’re right, I’ve added an edit to my comment.
I imagine it would be not-exactly-simple-but-not- complicated to add a “threshold” feature. If Ai is less than X% certain, it can request human clarification.
Edit: Derp. I forgot about the “real time” part. Still, as others have said, even a single botched word would still work well enough with context.
Free fruit and granola bars were always available in the kitchenette next to the “fitness center”. I’d always end my work day with a few minutes on the treadmill, while noming on free food.