ur whalecum <3
just me
ur whalecum <3
it’s teal, it’s both
all philosophy will sound bad if you imagine the worst possible case scenario it could apply to
the therapist’s name? Albert Camus
well they couldn’t have named it subnatica 2: below zero. 2 is bigger than 0 smh my head
most goblins can be found in their nests where they sit wishing that a perfect partner (handler) will spontaneously appear in front of them
occasionally they can be seen outside trying to abide by human norms but failing in various ways
to be fair, watching someone passionate enough about the topic to make a 4h video is the best way to learn about new things
on one hand, bicycles are indeed very epic. on the other - if you plan on going somewhere that’s >30min away by bike (and not up a hill) and don’t want to arrive sweaty, then maybe the bus is better
it is fantastic for both lil notes and grand projects! and you can even link to those little notes and slowly evolve them into a grand projects
you can basically create a personalised Wikipedia! and Obsidian will help you with it, as it can detect when you write in plain text a word or phrase that also is another note’s title, then you just click and bam, it’s linked. And if you change a note’s title, all mentions will update too!
you can also make conspiracy boards with the canvas note type, all usual formatting works within them
it’s a great tool to keep a lot of information organised and linked together, without having to open a billion files and cross reference them (you can also open notes in split screen).
learning how to use it will only take an hour or so, and then you’ll be zooming
i’ve recently been using it to collect and organise information for a big project i’m working on, and being able to link mentions of things to bigger topics and themes as i’m doing the data collection is just wonderful, no more “(IMPORTANT LOOK HERE!!!)”
it’s not difficult to clone a star with 20 year old software either
not fan of the Jesus fandom (most of them at least) but Jesus was a pretty epic character when you actually read that book about him. indeed responding to hate and violence with kindness instead of retribution is important in stopping the cycle of violence, though i must note - he did die in that story, and none of us are currently divine children walking the earth knowing what comes after, sometimes stopping the cycle is impossible if you want to survive.
i will always accept with an open heart the people who were once bigots and changed, or those who are having doubts about their bigoted beliefs - both mean they’ve learnt and grown, and their past mistakes shouldn’t define their whole life
you can technically unteach your autocorrect a word but you do have to catch it trying to “correct” it and longtap the culprit, which can be tricky when it only happens sometimes and you have a habit of typing fast
my phone occasionally decided to “correct” “that” to “thar”, it is deeply annoying
freestyle & impromptu intermittent fasting
i’d absolutely ask Thomas Bergersen and Nick Pheonix
this may be my favourite picture on the Internet, every time i see it it makes me laugh without a fault
there’s also the problem of techbros and companies everywhere thinking that AI is omniscient and can replace every other profession. who needs a human journalist when you can train an AI on their work (because they work for you and their work is your property ofc) and then just fire them all because you have a perfect AI that you can just set to run forever without checkig its work and make infinite money :)
humble bundle at one point sold a bundle with the works of U K Le Guin, and since i’ve been meaning to read those, i bought it
all were under amazon DRM
i’m a big fan of being able to do whatever the hell i want with the things i buy so naturally, i got mad and looked for a way to un-DRM them, and i’m happy to say there’s a calibre plugin for that. i’m currently enjoying Wizard of Earthsea on my reMarkable