If your team are chatty, you don’t need to go all out at the same level they are, but showing some willing and chatting at least sometimes will usually be enough to ensure harmony.
my team is not made of people who simply want a hello. I don’t want to even say hello because if I do they’ll dump on me a monologue about their weekend, what they cooked or the reasons why they’re angry at another coworker.
Knowing how to disengage without causing offence or annoyance is also an important skill.
can you write an answer with tips to disengage without causing offence?
I don’t think I can do this: while your post seems genuine I still find it ludicrous to have to placate needy people with attention this way. If I give them a bit of attention, they’ll want more and talk to me even more about their feelings at the workplace and distract me, something I don’t want.
I still don’t get it, but they’re this needy, apparently