if theyre smart, they dump their logs regularly. i think my instance is 36 hours. that data is a liability.
old, stupid
if theyre smart, they dump their logs regularly. i think my instance is 36 hours. that data is a liability.
this should make for some kickass robot contests. id like to see two real-time kungfu robots go at eachother.
yep, i was always under the assumption they bought it for parts to use in teams.
nasa employs psychologists.
or at least they did until conservatives decided to fuck everyone over.
yep, commoditization + SOC means youre not going to find this hardware with no radio. op is looking for a unicorn or an antique.
its understandable to feel a certain way, but its the choice of acting on those emotions that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.
normal prolly isnt the best term… i think ‘appropriate’ would fit better, and no, its not the best course of action.
heres a good in-depth writeup of how a single tweet was blown up by people with an agenda, or a general failure to critically think about words:
believe what you want to believe of course.
completely debatable if you dig into it, which i have.
email is incredibly complicated to host yourself successfully due to security, dns requirements. i have a pretty good handle on how to do it, but i havent since ~ 2015 because of the constant upkeep and challenges from the email ecosystem at large.
grab a personal domain, setup smtp through proton then have your local mail client archive via imap
email is the only service i would never self-host directly.
many instances, like mine, are ‘generic on-ramps’. their ‘main’ purpose is to provide unfettered access to all other instances.
in this way you curate your own feeds by subscribing to what you want.
i cant wait to go back. i spent several years in lakewood in the 80s and casa bonita was within walking distance. so shitty, but so weird.
anyone performing actions that hurt others where its not really about themselves. being mean for no particular reason or reward, especially to themselves.
they do get ‘defederated’… by way of automated block lists by domain and IP…but the issue is smtp due to age is trivially easy to setup on new domains/ips as well as dns and relay tricks to obfuscate the true source.
id eat it. I give it a B
walk away. lifes too short to deal with people you dont like regardless of shared dna. worked for me.
i think we can all agree its a race to the bottom at this point.
free hat!