yup. a good PCP is hard to find, and even harder to keep in America.
yup. a good PCP is hard to find, and even harder to keep in America.
Not universal, but absolutely common, unfortunately. The standard is 30 minutes for returns and 60 for news, but in private practice they tend to cut it much shorter.
I know this is a popular notion, but have you guys thought about:
Many people have no transportation, and it’s even harder to make it on time if one’s sick, so it’s just the right thing to try to squeeze in those who are late, but y’all can’t have it both ways.
source: am MD. And yeah I rather run late but see everybody and address everything I can, than finish on time and help nobody/few.
It is messed up, I agree. You can’t address much in 15 min. What you don’t necessarily see is the BS administrative burden that also comes with visits that may or may not be factored in to the face-to-face encounter duration.
Not every practice does charge for cancellation. But if someone reviews your chart before the visit and you cancel the same day or night before, you might actually end up wasting provider time. Just an FYI.