I haven’t printed anything in years, but damn, this sucks.
I haven’t printed anything in years, but damn, this sucks.
My guitar teacher had me learn on a steel-string acoustic for this very reason. It sucked at first, but the calluses built up fast. Much, much better than superglue!
This is pathetic and embarrassing
I can shave my face and pubes at the same time! So convenient!
Whenever someone talks about practical, real-life flying cars, regulation is the first thing I think about, too. How will they be sure that some dipshit isn’t texting while flying over a school?
Too much lettuce. I’d let it go to voicemail.
You know I’d have my phone out, ready to record that shit
Fediverse, I’m guessing? I don’t know for sure.
I’d sit back. Way, way back.
Being genuinely surprised by a joke that hits just right, and laughing so hard I tear up.
I remember making a myspace page because a girl I had a crush on had one.
The people who need a day off the most still won’t get it anyway… which, actually, makes it a perfect Trump-style holiday.
Hey, this hypothesis sounds as good as any.
Some individuals more than others.
You have no idea. A friend of mine is going through a failed marriage. The husband’s mom thinks everything would just be fine if my friend was more “submissive” and just put up with the husband’s aggressive, temperamental, immature bullshit. The mom has been a doormat her whole life, and wonders why my friend can’t simply throw her self respect away and do the same. It’s equal parts infuriating and sad.
Good job. I think that talking things out is always better than the “silent treatment”, which just builds resentment on both sides.
He has no sense of humor. Not a loss in any way.
I know shitposts are jokes, but sometimes jokes raise real questions. I’m not judging you or anyone else.
That’s why I laughed. Not at either of them exclusively, but because they’re both being idiots.
The uncommunicative wife/oblivious husband stereotypes have existed for longer than I can remember. Is there any validity to them? They don’t seem like particularly healthy ways to deal with a problem.
He was born rich. His family owns (or owned) an emerald mine in South Africa. He then invested in/bought a bunch of companies. Although he likes the reputation as a genius innovator, he never invented anything.
If this was a mistake, please don’t correct it. “Grunt loadly” is perfect in this situation.