2 months agoMurena ? as the murena foundation that develop /e/OS ? If yes, their OS is based on LineageOS microG edition with a great ad/tracker blocker and an app store that is kind of a fusion between the aurora store and fdroid (without the ability to add repositories unfortunately, in the version I used at least).
So you can install whatever apps you want with it(Except maybe android auto, I guess). I had my banking app and it worked well (until it detected I was root).
I used it with my oneplus 7, It had some big trouble these last months as their servers were outdated and they needed to update their whole infrastructure. Now, everything seems to be back to normal.
I can not say for their phones (murena 1 and 2), but their OS is solid to me.
You’re all mocking him, but his face just saying that all the love he’s sending, makes is arm really heavy. He’s just a man of love.
/s (obviously)