I really like this explanation. Not many are aware of how telegram was designed to make it as cumbersome for authorities as possible by splitting their data across different nations.
I really like this explanation. Not many are aware of how telegram was designed to make it as cumbersome for authorities as possible by splitting their data across different nations.
I’d be more than happy to see all links pointing to xitter banned. FB/Meta would be nice too, but I think it’s more important to sending a clear signal on neo-nazi salutes being a red line.
Fully agree, but part of the problem is that the fundamentals that our technology relies on to communicate is arcane (DNS, IP, etc.). The other problem is that were often trying to translate human experiences and needs to a binary and technological format, which cannot be done in simple terms and creates complexity.
I don’t expect us being able to move away from current jank-stack technologies anytime soon.