It’s not that hard to convert a cheap 3D printer into a pen plotter is you want to do some 2D printing.
It’s not that hard to convert a cheap 3D printer into a pen plotter is you want to do some 2D printing.
That’s what we did.
For the few pages we need to print, I can use the machine at the library for $0.10/page.
will be the one who will have the chance to rebuild it
Assuming they have any intention of rebuilding it.
will be the one who will have the chance to rebuild it
Assumingbthey have any intention of rebuilding it.
Baton Rouge -> Red Stick
(I honestly believe there’s an insecurity motive there
Once you have more money than you could reasonably spend in a lifetime, it just becomes another penis measuring contest for insecure manchildren.
the loss of privacy of a camera looking out onto a public street.
The loss of privacy of a camera that records every face that enters your home and timestamps that data…
it’s a camera pointed at a public street.
It’s a camera pointed at every person who comes to your house.
I’m in Canada, and Google maps shows me the same as what you are seeing.
Opus is better in every way
Except ubiquitousness.
I can play an MP3 on any digital audio device made in the last 20 years.
Can you screenshot that or something. I can’t see it without the Facebook account I refuse to have.
How many reasons do they have to give you before you walk away from facebook?
I don’t think Finkelstein’s quote takes into account a severe narcissist.
In the narcissistic mind, the only right is something that benefits them, and the only wrong is something that harms them.
A growing number of Canadians are already calling for exactly that
It certainty make it easier.
Trump wouldn’t recognize hypocrisy if it walked up and kicked him in the balls.
but we are all being boiled together.
Including those of us in other countries who didn’t get a vote in your elections, but who are about to be absolutely fucked by the results.
Sorry to the people who voted against this, but the other 2/3 of your fellow citizens doomed you to the global distrust and anger that your country has earned.
How many other examples would you like?
is brevity no longer the soul of wit??
Maybe, if that’s your only goal.
Trying to make any sort of nuanced or subtle point about anything important is pretty much impossible in such an artificially limited format, though.
Sure, simple political memes can be done in a compact frame, but actually discussing the framework surrounding that meme, or trying to correct a bit of misinformation is not really possible to do under those same limitations of time or character count.
I trust the library a lot more than I trust Staples or a similar for-profit business.