You’d have to ask the dipshits who voted for them, and the dipshits who didn’t vote against them.
They ran an impeccable smear campaign against themselves. It’s the non-kamala voters who are at fault (thanks first past the post)
Mind the shavings
You’d have to ask the dipshits who voted for them, and the dipshits who didn’t vote against them.
They ran an impeccable smear campaign against themselves. It’s the non-kamala voters who are at fault (thanks first past the post)
And he’s still got them bitch tits and that dorky, unintimidating little scowl.
Fuckin dweeb could pay trainers and dieticians and coaches to follow him around all day.
You shit on the individual asshole executives. Not the people who got screwed. Not the company, which has no agency and can do nothing. The individual executives, including the board of directors.
I don’t even do 3D printing but I’m always thrilled to see a group of people burning companies for shitty practices and talking about which ones are good.
Note the names of the individuals who decided on this and make it news when they move to another company. Companies can’t do anything; it’s always people making these crappy choices. The public deserves to know if they’re about to fuck up a different company, too.
Yes, they are not the same, or even remotely similar, as we all and also you have known this entire time.
Using “mental health awareness” to victim blame is a proper cunt move.
Very casual manner for a president to dress.