It means you can increase the amount you put in to get a higher amount of output, but that doesn’t mean it’s actually doable in terms of cost or available resources etc
It means you can increase the amount you put in to get a higher amount of output, but that doesn’t mean it’s actually doable in terms of cost or available resources etc
Always has been like that I think
I’m not convinced Putin isn’t an immortal Reptilian
Basically a virtual Berlin wall around the whole of the US?
I thought they were already doing that?
I mean Putin’s weaselly little far right lackeys are scarily close to being in government in a few European countries now (or already are, Hungary and Slovakia). So who knows
Which is ironic given that Facebook and YouTube are probably not banned. I would think that those have played a far far bigger role in the rise of the right, vaccination scepticism and general conspiracy theories
Clippy is back!
Both steps could be fuelled using renewable energy sources, I hope this will become a standard soon. I don’t really understand why hydrogen production is being done using fossil fuels tbh. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, other than it probably being cheaper at the moment