a snow transport craft
Lemmy & Fediverse enjoyer 🗿🍷
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a snow transport craft
Occupy or liberate? I would say liberate, right?
Compared to drive with the train on rail without unloading/stopping? Mode change is expensive. So ideally once Iran is liberated the train would just drive from Central Asia to Turkey through Iran without stopping.
The Trans Iranian Railways are already built, but not in use to transport goods from central asia to turkey as far as I understand.
yeah but to avoid Russia & Iran you need to cross the Caspian sea by boat, which is not optimal for costs and profit-margins I assume. Train needs to be unloaded, containers wait in port (Turkmenistan or Kazakhstan I assume) until ship is loaded …
Isnt most of the oil refined from oil sands in Canada? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_sands#Canada
I guess many of the Americans troops are stationed in North-Eastern Syria, where Turkey is going to “protect its interests”, once the American bases are gone …
I call it Sauron3 …
drawn in Krita
he looks taunting, angry and cute at the same time 🖤
sorting for “old” reveals this 6 years old gem in this community
it looks … glossy
Complex shading, looks somehow photorealistic … I like your artstyle
AI is the perfect tool to generate propaganda and fake-news on a massive scale for government and secret services. Humans may live in bubbles divorced from reality because of it. It also is the perfect technology for censorship, sentiment analysis/monitoring and thought-control automation.
Myanmar borders China in to its north and India to its west and is currently in a civil war. This would be the perfect battlespace for a proxy war between India, US vs China.
Demographics will play a major role in this: Younger median age countries will have more war and conflict, while the older countries can maintain some semblance of stability. South Sudan is a great example of this mechanism: This is why I also think this war will last 30 years, like the 30 years war in Germany 1618 that killed 50%+ of its populaiton.
During the first cold war conflicts happened outside of the super-powers:
This time conflicts will happen in Siberia, Africa and Middle east. I also think Indonesia and Pakistan will be center of major conflicts between China, India and the USA. These conflicts will costs some millions of lives, but not touch the empires heartlands, so it will not get nuclear again imo.
is this a reference to an AI fail I have missed?
this is a silly drawing request https://sopuli.xyz/c/sillydrawingrequests
anyway here goes your duck, drawn in Krita:
good point, organic sharing is better than the addictive algorithm.
You can imagine different dystopian scenarios:
Or to keep the status quo:
what would be a better name?
lemmy is okay
honestly the US military airforce has crazy technology, this meme was an attempt to hint at the extreme contrast: competence of the airforce vs. the awkward/un-normal actions of their commander in chief.