• 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I sent you proof it wasn’t two different times

    I 100% understand where you got your bad opinion from now…

    There’s just no logic in the steps between those two articles and what you’re saying they mean.

    You had an idea in your head, and you found a few kernals of truth. Then you played connect the dots and that’s where the confusion happened.

    It’s conspiracy theory level thinking. You started with the results you wanted, found a couple things that were real, and then twisted it to get to your predetermined result.

    Like, no one online is going to break you out of this line of thinking. If social media comments could break it, trump wouldn’t be president right now. I hope you have friends and family that can help.

  • So now you think every Bernie supporter was a Democrat before 2016?

    The connective tissue from Trump to Sanders is something akin to populism — the ruling class sucks — and that rhetoric plays well among a certain class of people who don’t feel the government works for them,” said Joshua Dyck, a political science professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

    “The politics of anti-elite grievance is not just popular in the United States and it’s not just popular on the right,” he said. “It is the story of politics right now.”

    You’re doing a great job of illustrating how progressive policy is popular with voters regardless of party tho, so by all means keep going…

    Are you just doing that thing where people assume an article supports them but didn’t take the time to read it?

    Speaking of, here’s the link in case you delete it:


  • Can you though? It’s not for lack of trying but y’all don’t seem to be having much success with this


    Ken Martin is a huge win as chair…

    Like, we already changed the party. It happened.

    That’s why I went from constantly shit talking the DNC to promoting it.

    Neoliberals bet everything on Biden/Harris, and now they don’t have control of the DNC anymore.

    The only people who shouldn’t be happy about that is conservatives

  • So you think insulting them and badgering them that they shouldn’t have a single standard then letter by name…


    You think this is the most effective move to get them back in the party?

    You don’t even kind of think what would be most effective is explaining to people how the DNC works and what the new chair is like would work better?

    Cuz like, I just have a bachelor’s in psychology, so I would absolutely love to hear what I’m missing where you think the best way to recruit people in the fight against fascism is yelling insults.

    If you want to help, actually want to help, can you do what will actually work and not work against the party?

    I know the PUMA people are still around and bitter from 08, this is starting to feel like that. I tend to just block those people tho so I can concentrate on what translates to Dem gains in the federal government

  • It’s the type of mentality of the people who burned medicine women as witches because they got sicker after refusing treatment.

    If you tell them a bad result will happen if they stay the course, they’ll be yelling at you when the bad result happens

    Their brains just link the person who warned them with the bad result, and they can’t accept that they were wrong.

    The good news is people like that no longer run the DNC.

  • The GOP always votes Red, no matter who.

    How’d that work out?

    Seriously, if your plan is to follow the same path as Republicans, does that mean you think it’s worked out well for them the last 20 years?

    Are republican voters being taken care of by their elected officials or did having no standards and excusing everything their party did just make it so the most corrupt candidate advances to the general?

    What is different about Dems that would make the result be literally the opposite, and how much more time do you think we should waste seeing if it works?

    Instead of running a charismatic candidate with a progressive which statistically results in the presidency, House, and Senate?

    Why not take the easy path that gets us what we want instead of the hardest path where we get the least reward?

  • It’s their job to convince voters to vote for them

    Everytime this topic comes up it reminds me of incels whining no women wants them…

    They don’t want to change anything, they don’t want to compromise, they want a participation trophy for just existing. What’s insane is that’s been the strategy for the last three presidential elections.

    And if they won’t take responsibility for failing at their job, then they’re on course to do the exact same thing in 2028 and get the exact same results.

    The new DNC chair has been very vocal about what the problem is, how to fix, and is already running the same playbook that solidified his home state blue.

    The DNC is basically the chair, and we just got a much better chair than we’ve had in decades.

  • I’m an adult, so I’ll take an uncharismatic candidate over a traitor felon rapist


    But like a whole shit ton of people tried to warn for the last year now, Biden/Kamala we’re enough to beat trump.

    We’ll need all the voters again, we won’t need anyone that was involved in either of their campaigns though. So why shit on the literal tens of millions we need in defense of less than an airplane’s worth of people who hightailed it back to their mansions?

    You get that, right? We don’t have to run uncharismatic conservative candidates to beat trump, it’s literally the worst option we have

    We can just run a charismatic candidate with a progressive campaign promise like we did with Obama. Did you forget that?

  • Parties can be dictatorships, but should be a reflection of the ideal governance of the system they’re trying to run

    They 100% should be. And we just took huge steps towards that

    But I don’t think you’re understanding. This isn’t an analogy, the Party Chair has absolute power, and zero accountability.

    That’s what all that noise with Donna Brazile was about. She was a high ranking person at the DNC who took an interim chair. She was expecting everything to be fine because that’s what the prior chair had kept saying…

    Then she disclosed that the party had been bankrupt for years, and was being funded by Hillary since before the primary started which came with many strings, one of which was that Clinton’s campaign had final say on anything they DNC said.

    I really think the people who don’t think the party has changed much, just aren’t truly aware of how bad shit has been at the DNC the last 30 years. Most don’t even know why it didn’t improve under Obama’s presidency

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldFailed roll for self-awareness
    2 days ago

    Elections are a popularity contest with weird rules more than anything…

    But the DNC kept trying to force uncharismatic candidates with conservative policy down voters throats, and stole funds from state parties to focus on that costing us down ballot races making losing have even more consequences.

    They haven’t just been putting all our eggs in one basket.

    They put it in the basket of a 20 year old shitty child’s bike and then put Biden on and pushed him into the interstate.

    Voter can’t fail a party, but Dems have been failing their voters for decades.

    I’m optimistic Martin will change that, enough to give him a fair shot and not just a month.

  • I hate people can even try to blame AI.

    If I typo a couple extra zeroes because my laptop sucks, that doesn’t mean I didn’t fuck up. I fucked up because of a tool I was using, but I was still the human using that tool.

    This is no different.

    If a lawyer submits something to court that is fraudulent I don’t give a shit if he wrote it on a notepad or told the AI on his phone browser to do it.

    He submitted it.

    Start yanking law licenses and these lawyers will start re-evaluating if AI means they can fire all their human assistants and take on even more cases.

    Stop acting like this shit is autonomous tools that strip responsibility from decisions, that’s literally how Elmo is about to literally dismantle our federal government.

    And they’re 100% gonna blame the AI too.

    I’m honestly surprised they haven’t claimed DOGE is run by AI yet

  • He knew why he was there, and even if you couldn’t figure it out, his messages after should’ve cleared it up…

    There was no chance of trump going against putin.

    And Zelensky turned it into international outcry and Europe’s public support increasing. Then went on Elmo’s own social media to thank a shit ton of European leaders for their public comments of support in response to the media storm.

    The only criticism I had was I thought it was gonna be too obvious, but a lot of people still don’t seem to realize what was happening.

    He just showed the world that the US isn’t there to help, and they won’t help the next country either. So especially for Europe, it is vitally important that Ukraine doesn’t lose. Putin won’t waste time in moving to the next.

    Zelensky just forced the world to acknowledge that Trump’s election has global consequences and redraws a lot of lines.

  • And ignoring why they got the megaphone to say it on cable news?

    Faux News legally couldn’t exist until neoliberals removed fair broadcast regulations…

    Because that was the only way to convince people neoliberalism was working.

    We had laws against propaganda until neoliberals got rid of them

    Now you want to blame anyone except the people who made that propaganda legal.

    This is like if I gave a baby a gun, the baby shot you, and then you listened to me when I told you the baby was the problem.

    Instead of questioning why we gave a baby a gun, it even addressing the problem that I’m still giving baby’s guns…

    You realize we could have fixed this when Biden had the House and Senate…

    Or when Obama had the House and Senate…

    Are you waiting for Republicans to reinstate the regulations against propaganda?

    Neoli erals won’t fix this, republicans won’t fix this, can you guess who that leaves?

  • Lmao…

    You think Biden was going to Bibi to agree to a peace plan…

    We just needed more of him going around congress in violation of US and international law to supply weapons that publicly available information confirmed was being used for a genocide, right?

    Four more years of Kamala “doing the same as Biden” and Bibi would have agreed, right?

    I am glad I checked post history to see if a block was warranted. No one who legitimately believes that shit is ever gonna be worth listening to.

    I’ll see you when you make your next account I guess, this one’s brand new so I probably got a couple weeks if you do them one by one.