Microsoft got off the hook when Bush II took office. Tech in general took that as a sign that monopolies were fine. That was just starting to be reversed when Trump took a second term and here we are.
Microsoft got off the hook when Bush II took office. Tech in general took that as a sign that monopolies were fine. That was just starting to be reversed when Trump took a second term and here we are.
Imagine VR so real that someone severely allergic to cats can know what it’s like to give one scritches and feel it purr. Imagine someone who is paraplegic knowing what it’s like to swim or climb a mountain. Now imagine how much money Mark Zuckerberg will make when it’s $22.95/month with ads and requires you to put in your Social Security Number.
I could see the argument that it’s more air gapped this way. Without having physical access to the Pi (or at least SSH access), it’d be hard to get any network connection through USB.
But personally, I just blocked outgoing traffic from the printer.
I checked on where Edsel prices have gone. They mostly match inflation. Not a worthwhile investment as a car that people are interested in decades later because it’s an infamous failure.
There are some projects out there that do the entire frame. Steppers, hotend, and control boards are out of reach. There’s some hypothetical ways you could do it, but it’d be far more expensive than buying off the shelf stuff and probably get worse results. Even the frames tend to take a lot of filament.
It’s more of a nice idea than something practical.
AR15 lower receiver model. You can buy a kit that’s 85% of the way to done and only needs basic tools from there.
Honestly, more people should probably do that. If you have a low printing volume, you’ll save a lot of money by going to a store to get prints.
Yes, you can argue that you need the convenience of having a printer right there. Just realize you’re spending a lot of extra money for that convenience.
Historically, the field of AI research has gone through boom and bust cycles. The first boom was during the Vietnam War with DARPA dumping money into it. As opposition to the Vietnam War grew, DARPA funding dried up, and the field went into hibernation with only minor advancement for decades. Then the tech giant monopolies saw an opportunity for a new bubble.
It’d be nice if it could be funded at a more steady, sustainable level, but apparently capitalism can’t do that.
Depends on how you interpret the Trinity.
God also promised he wouldn’t use that specific method ever again. Doesn’t take a rules lawyer to figure out the issue with that one.
Fascism loves “traditional family values”. It’s been used in propaganda for a long time. Everyone looks idyllic while fitting into prescribed roles that happen to put men at the top.
Their idea to win elections is to try to beat Republicans in a constituency that is already entrenched for Republicans. This plan is dumb as shit without even talking about ideological reasons to oppose it.
Bernie Sanders is already the compromise.
The guy in OP is a tankie, not MAGA. Though admittedly, they serve the same master from different directions.
That’s why “lib” is such a problematic term. It means literally anything based on who is speaking it.
IT project management doesn’t work that way, but it doesn’t matter much. 60 hour work weeks wouldn’t help, either.
The Cranberries song “Zombies” isn’t about actual zombies. It’s about people who think like zombies.
I’ve found that there’s a lot of things on the Internet that went wrong because it was ad supported for “free”. Porn is one of them.
There is ethically produced porn out there, but you’re going to have to pay for it. Incidentally, it also tends to be better porn overall. The versions of the videos they put up on tube sites are usually cut down, and are only part of their complete library. Up through 2012 or so, the tube sites were mostly pirated content, but then they came to an agreement with the mainstream porn industry. Now it’s mostly the studios putting up their own content (plus independent, verified creators), and anything pirated gets taken down fast.
Anyway, sites like Crash Pad Series, Erika Lust, Vanessa Cliff, and Adulttime (the most mainstream of this list) are worth a subscription fee.
That freedom is an illusion. You’re constantly subject to other people in cars doing things, and what they do is often stupid as shit. You only have that freedom when out on the open road with few other cars around, and you’re probably specifically going out of your way to do that.
Image recognition models are also useful for astronomy. The largest black hole jet was discovered recently, and it was done, in part, by using an AI model to sift through vast amounts of data.
This thing is so big, it travels between voids in the filaments of galactic super clusters and hits the next one over.
All calculators are RPN.
Many of your major tech services are self-hosted.
I agree, but I understand the temptation. It can take your company from 0 to 100 almost instantly, since you have the budget to hire social media and SEO experts to take you to that magical “viral” status. Not doing this often means toiling in obscurity and never going anywhere. If you do manage to make enough money for your whole team to quit their day jobs, then it almost certainly took longer.
Quick and easy path leads to the Dark Side.