So. Much. Better. I love Nextcloud but Immich uploads just work, private AI tagging, better UX, maps, it’s just better.
So. Much. Better. I love Nextcloud but Immich uploads just work, private AI tagging, better UX, maps, it’s just better.
Searching. XNG makes the “ch” then “ng” sound in some languages.
Thus Searx was “Search”
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
I came really close back then, had a deposit but canceled due to realizing I had a perfectly good old car and didn’t “need” one at the time. Hindsight says I lucked out.
If I did get it, and still had it (I would, I keep cars for 10+ years), I would probably rebadge it as an indicator of my dislike for what the brand has become.
I’d actually love to see a rebadging campaign by dissatisfied owners.
When you can predict the behavior of a company 10 years out, you pet me know. I’ll make you my banker.
Until then, that whole comment is hot garbage.
As I know we all find this funny, this is also fantastic.
With the use of agents bound to grow, this removes the need for TTS and STT meaning no power hungry GPU in the mix. A low-power microprocessor can handle this kind of communication.
You can run your own sync server in Docker.
Love me some Obtainium. Did my first PR this week (adding cross-device sync via SxncD)
To anyone complaining about non-replaceable RAM: This machine is for AI, that is why.
Think of it like a GPU wirh a CPU on the side, vs the other way around.
Inference requires very fast ram transfer speed, and that is only possible (currently) on soldered buses. Even this is pretty slow at 256Gb/s, but it’s RAM size of 96GB to GPU makes it interesting for larger models.
My partner had a physics teacher tell her water can’t get hotter than 100C.
It’s a play on words from the scam posts. Unfortunately for the author the subhead doesn’t get shared.
Especially the dishwashers.
Were you by chance running a proxy, even on localhost? Here’s a good description of that issue: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29539106
That thread also mentions the Windows 95 requirement for randomization on mouse movement. A page you visited regularly may have been using this.
My partner: “Yeaaaaaa boiiiiiieeeeeee”
Never take advice from internet strangers. But it nonetheless will be given, so here goes.
What’s that, no presents in that?
Tell your partner your relationship will not last without change, and that you want to have small, short conversations with takeaway actions more regularly. My guess is that’s the truth, and communication, even a little, can help tremendously when both parties engage.
Oh look, communication, but, no presents?
Saying your relationship will fail and end bluntly will make them scared of that actually happening, because they most likely currently feel secure enough in the relationship to ignore your needs. This is common unfortunately, often born of time and repetitiveness.
Oh no… Still no presents and we’re close to halfway through.
Make sure they ubderstand that conversation doesn’t have to he daunting (that will scare then), but simple and easy single topics at a time. The first few may be longer, but they will get shorter, and tell them that you are open to talking to someone together if they feel it is warranted or have trouble having those conversations on their own (that alone may spur them to engage).
Oh crap, more about conversation.
Peppering in positive commentary or actions, like what you enjoy from them (especially what they do for you) and positive actions (like planning a weekend away or a night out) can also help take the strain out of the conversations, too.
Hmm, ways to make conversation more comfortable, but presents aren’t it.
Sorry you are going through this, mental and/or emotional dissatisfaction in a relationship is rough, but assuming you really want to work through it, it is possible to get brick walls to move.
And affirmation.
Reading comprehension is hard, I guess.
Nothing happened
no to whatever is going on with saying they need presents on valentines.
You just went on a tirade because you misread comments. Hope you had fun.
Second one in the video on the page I linked in my comment.
Thats seems similar to what I’m talking about. Like the second one in the video on the page I linked.
US can openers. In other countries, they cut the sides of the can not the top, so the lid has no chance of falling in while dulling the edges. It also allows them to be much smaller and easier to use.
But immich does so much more than faces. I searched for “tent on the beach” the other day, worked like a charm.