I forgot Skype still exists. They killed it a long time ago, now they will just make it official
I forgot Skype still exists. They killed it a long time ago, now they will just make it official
lol somebody wrote a whole analysis why
The author is very likely female and Chinese.
a simple click on the author’s profile shows he’s a French man
Interesting observations. The behavior on dating apps is prime stuff for sociological research. I wonder what even more data from really big apps could reveal.
The author doesn’t seem to question the current role of dating in society and takes it as a given, but that’s fine observing phenomena from within the system is not invalid.
Here’s one technique that helps me - internal brainstorming. Don’t try to be serious about coming up with an idea - think about many random vaguely related possibilities, combine them, reevaluate, etc.
Have your mind be in a state of flux jumping from one thought to another but not succumb to the pressure of having the final solution as quickly as possible.
After a while several coherent options will crystallize. Then comes the decision paralysis - unfortunately I have no cure for that.
This is very common in the EU. The majority of news sites do it. I believe it’s technically legal because they aren’t under obligation to provide a free access at all
Revenge plays a part in it. But more importantly it’s narcissistic ego trip. He needs to prove to the world he’s the best, the smartest, the only one worthy to be a savior.
Being humble and making small changes will not result in Musk being celebrated as the most important person in history, which is what he really wants to be. If it all fails it doesn’t matter, because somebody else being celebrated as having the right idea is an even bigger failure for him.
I don’t know because I can’t know what every person who ever existed already thought about. Unlikely given the total human population.
Está todo muy claro. En España es el ordenador, en America es la computadora. Si viajas y traes tu ordenador, tu ordenador transiciona i se convierte en una trans-computadora
I’m curious, did you consume other non-movie Star Wars media before, like books and animates series? I have a theory that the most dislike for the new trilogy comes from them basically “rewriting history” so to speak - cancelling all the characters and events already established in the universe.
I mean I don’t think they are amazingly good movies even in isolation, but I can see someone liking them for the fun factor at least.
lol I can’t even begin. I regularly use 4 languages, even defining what a pronoun is barely possible. Native speakers argue about the correct usage for some of those
Unless you’re in the fashion business you’ll always feel like you’re behind on trends.
One idea for a regular person would be to buy whatever mainstream stores are selling at the moment and try to combine it in unique ways. You will sometimes get bad results sure, but there will be less pressure to follow trends if you start coming up with your own styles.
I don’t really disagree, it works with tobacco, so there’s merit to the approach. I’m also hesitant to put the emphasis on overt pressure, nobody likes paying more taxes and it’s easy to undo.
Patience. Do you really want to read everything neatly digested and miss the pleasure of arguing in comments 🙂
My main argument is that being able to buy a car without too much hassle will make it less likely to actually do so, as long as public transportation can cover most of your needs. Just knowing that you can will give you enough peace of mind not to actually do it. Because you can.
Note: I’m making a point about car ownership, not making it convenient to drive in a city. Driving the car should be discouraged through urbanist policy and design.
Being able to own a car ≠ owning a car.
This is my main argument here. The relative unaffordability of a car makes it more desirable and more likely to be bought once a person is financially capable of doing it. See every Eastern European country where car ownership was extremely low until the exact moment an average person could afford one.
Note: I’m making a point about car ownership, not making it convenient to drive in a city. Driving the car should be discouraged through urbanist policy and design.
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Everyone should be able to own a car, and be able to afford keeping it in a garage for rare situations where it makes sense to use one.
This is a winning narrative.
I won’t try to change your mind because I agree with you. Well I agree that’s how many policies are implemented, not that DEI necessarily has to be implemented in such a way (putting the emphasis on poverty is also a type of DEI).
I attribute it to these ideas coming from the US. Americans have internalized racism so much that they are unable to think about people without categorizing them into a race. In a way it’s a final manifestation of the “equal but separate” ideology. Races must remain separate no matter what, but we can talk about mechanisms balance the discrimination by applying discrimination in the other direction.
Deep breath … I will not mention politics … deep breath … I will not mention politics …
A basic stainless steel mate kit. I wasn’t a mate drinker before, now I occasionally do.
lol, because if they work 40-hour weeks they might create it a couple of weeks later