I finally kicked the Reddit monkey. Please forgive me.
The same would be true if we just ate them. No need to bother an alien race with our troubles.
Ctrl-Space on an any Apple device (macOS/iOS/iPadOS). It’s been there since forever.
Twitter bought it
What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?
I had no idea that Wendy’s was a participant in fascism. You got me there.
It was only a secret to the dumbest people on earth.
If you didn’t know about the fact that this has already been happening for over a decade, welcome to that club. Being stupid and oblivious isn’t really something to brag about, though.
And I’m sorry that I have to actually say this, but being as dumb as a box of hair is not a state of victimhood.
Certainly, everyone is deserving of being taken care of, but when you are willfully, ignorant and forcefully expressive of those dumb, fuck concepts, you’re part of the fascism machine. And you are the problem.
Not the victims of society that need help.
Trump was openly a Democrat back then.
Reality has a higher resolution than this potato photo.
aka Thunderbolt 4
Meta is a massive piece of fascist shit, as is anyone employed by them.