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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 8th, 2024


  • You make some wild assumptions to argue against and it’s exhausting. I think you should read back your replies to me and make note of all the times you just assume something and then throw it at me as an attack.

    You conveniently left out the part where you threw the first stone at left-leaning voters who lobby criticism against the Democratic Party:

    bUt ThE DeMoCraTz DidN’t dO EnOugH fOr tHe WOrKinG cLaSs!!

    I responded to that by pointing out that the thing you stated to mock people who hold that sentiment is actually true. (But now you’ve pivoted and actually think it is true? I can’t figure your stance out at all.) You didn’t say anything about nonvoters, no one before you said anything about nonvoters, I was the one who pointed out that nonvoters were a problem by claiming the Democrats foster voter apathy. Does that seem like something a nonvoter would say? But you proceeded to launch an attack against me regardless. And when I pushed backed you kept attacking based on assumptions.

    For example: You started throwing out insults about my participation in the political process based on, again, assumptions.

    Well, you weren’t entirely wrong but you are pretty ableist. You’re right that I don’t go to meetings. I’m autistic and cannot contribute very well socially. Turning it on for work drains me to the point where I can’t muster anything else for being around people. I can’t understand speech very easily in noisy environments, and even when I can understand I don’t interpret the same way as other people. So instead I research candidates locally and nationally and support in other ways, mainly by donating to progressive primary campaigns. My representative is a pretty safe progressive seat so I don’t usually donate to them, but I do donate to progressives for other local and state offices, I donated to Bernie in 2016 and 2020, and I’ll usually look for other key progressive campaigns in other states to support.

    And we do disagree on one thing: I perceived the 2020 primary as a planned, concerted effort by the party to flood the field in order to drown out the fringes, and then drop and push everything towards Biden leading up to Super Tuesday. That’s not even getting into suspicions of both parties using media outlets to push propaganda. I’m still waiting for a primary where the DNC operates in a way to actually let the public form opinions rather than engineering it to push their preferred candidate. As far as I can tell the last time that happened was Obama in 2008 and the party has worked hard ever since to make the primary a farce.

  • Lol, you wanna square this “oh I’m on the same side as you” with your immediate attack on me based on nothing but your assumption? Because I can’t figure out what in my original response you disagree with if what you say here is true. You just immediately went full neoliberal attack on any criticism of the Democrats, so frankly I don’t buy your bullshit here.

    8 years is how long the Democrats have been openly and unashamedly thumbing the scale in their primaries (starting in 2016) and the start of the progressive movement, it’s not a competition.

  • doctordevice@lemmy.catoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPropaganda spin today...
    21 hours ago

    Excuse me? I’ve voted for 3 people in a row that I didn’t believe deserved to be the nominee, let alone president. Every time I voted against them in the primaries because I didn’t believe they stood a good chance in the general, nor would they be good for the country while in office. For Kamala, I didn’t even get the opportunity to vote against her in the primary but I did vote for uncommitted delegates over Joe Biden. Every time, I voted for them in the general even though that vote was coerced through a corrupt system that refuses to let me vote for someone who actually represents me.

    8 goddamn years of listening to high and mighty people like you telling me how everything that’s happening is my fault even though I voted against what was happening at every turn. Fuck off.

  • I mean… they didn’t though. That’s why they struggle to win in the general even though their platform as stated is good for the populace. When they don’t actually follow through on that, people have a hard time believing them even though they’re clearly the lesser of two evils.

    The Democrats foster their own worst enemy: voter apathy. And it doesn’t help that they also foster extremism in the opposition party and then turn around and try to extort the American public with it.