I have bad news for you.
The audience who enjoys this theater isn’t exactly sophisticated. Pro wrestling has more complex plot and believable characters.
Great write-up, thanks. I love a good shit-show. 🍿
Sounds to me like the OG mods could have said “we don’t like how the admin runs things here, we are leaving as mods and starting a new 196 on .world with hookers and blackjack, you guys do what you want here.”
I have what may be a unique perspective here. I have a brain tumor, glioma, diagnosed August 2023. I was told I had 1-3 years to live with a 99% chance. As it turns out, I have a rare slow-growing type (oligodendroglioma) with the right mutations. I got treatment and now I still have the tumor but I have a prognosis to live for a long time.
So what did I learn? Not much, mostly cliches. But have the drink, laugh with people, enjoy the day. There is no magic revelation. Enjoy the day. If you don’t enjoy the day, learn from that and fix it.
I’d type more but there’s not much more to put. I spent time making a will, ensuring my affairs were in order. I was gonn quit my job and travel, but it turned out I need the insurance. Luckily for me I like my job and my company. Everything is ethereal.
Bloated? AI? You must be talking about Google or bing. Kagi has no such issue.
I’ll save you a click: AI bullshit.
Oh no, a guy has an opinion! Get him!
Sadly, it is.
I thought it was a good read about the current state of technology, so I posted it in a technology community.
Fuck me, right?
Uh… it’s a guy’s blog.
stop diluting yourself.
I hate to be that guy, but… it’s “deluding” in this context, unless OP is adding water to their body.
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